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This Honey, Lemon And Cinnamon Drink Will Help You Get Rid Of 6 Pounds In One Week

This Honey, Lemon And Cinnamon Drink Will Help You Get Rid Of 6 Pounds In One Week

We are always looking for weight and the ideal body, so we invest body and soul in our epic slimming. But many times, the expected results are slow to appear, we are left with a great depression instead of a consoling pride related to the achievement of our objectives. Fortunately, there are natural recipes to help us along the way.

Mother Nature is full of good resources for all our needs. When we start a project of weight loss, we forget what this nature can bring us food with unsuspected virtues. Let's discover together how this drink, miraculous but delicious too, can help you get rid of your extra pounds.

Ingredients :

In addition to being a tasty spice, cinnamon helps improve the digestive process, regulate blood sugar levels. Result: A feeling of satiety, better transit and less fat which promotes weight loss. It also has a fat burning effect. Cinnamon speeds up your metabolism, allowing the rapid burning of stored fat in the body. A true ally against these abdominal fat, so tough to eliminate.

The lemon
We can no longer dispute the quality of superfood, conferred lemon. It is indeed an effective antioxidant. It contains indeed flavonoids that can fight against cardiovascular diseases, cholesterol in the blood and protect the body against free radicals, responsible for aging of the body's cells and several pathologies. It is also rich in soluble fiber which allows to offer a feeling of satiety, reduce the amount of food eaten and therefore, promote weight loss.

In addition to being a true gift of mother nature to replace sugar, honey is also an excellent antioxidant, which allows as mentioned above, the protection of the body of several diseases, mainly cardiovascular. Its sweetness also makes it a substitute for sugar, the number one enemy of weight loss. It is also necessary to rule a statement still unknown to most people wishing to lose weight. The intestinal microbiota! It is a set of microorganisms mainly located in the small intestine and colon and plays a key role in the digestive, immune, metabolic and neurological functions. Studies have effectively established a link between the imbalance of the microbiota and weight gain. Honey is considered a prebiotic, that is to say, it promotes the activity of intestinal bacteria beneficial to your intestine, thus regulating blood sugar and fat. 

Result: you lose weight without depriving you of the sweet pleasures granted by mother nature! Provided, of course, to moderate its consumption.

  • A tablespoon of ground cinnamon
  • Half a lemon, organic
  • 2 tablespoons honey, organic
  • 250 ml of water

Just mix the cinnamon, the juice of the half lemon and the honey, until you obtain a homogeneous texture. Gradually add the lukewarm water.

Take in the morning on an empty stomach 30 minutes before breakfast and in the evening before going to bed. Your nightmarish fats will be nothing but a bad memory! But do not keep it secret only for you, share with your entourage to help them in their slimming project. Your loved ones will not fail to thank you!

It is important to emphasize that for this drink to be effective, it must be accompanied by a healthy diet and regular physical activity.

This drink is prohibited for people with kidney and biliary disorders, burns or stomach ulcers, and citrus allergies. Cinnamon is not recommended for pregnant women.
Honey, Lemon And Cinnamon Drink