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Delicious Lemon Cucumber Salad Lowers Cholesterol And Regulates Blood Pressure

Delicious Lemon Cucumber Salad Lowers Cholesterol And Regulates Blood Pressure

Cholesterol and high blood pressure are some of the most common ailments of our time. They are often related to the aging process of the body, but can also result from an unhealthy lifestyle including an unbalanced diet, lack of physical exercise and continuous exposure to toxins.

Despite the negative connotation of its name, cholesterol is primarily a fat that is essential to the health of the human body. It is essential for cell composition and the synthesis of several hormones.

Cholesterol is defined according to the type of transporter in the blood, so we distinguish:

- LDL cholesterol: it is considered to be the bad cholesterol, since LDL (low density lipoprotein) transports it from the liver to the rest of the body, thus aggravating the risk of cardiovascular pathologies.

- HDL cholesterol: which is the right type of cholesterol since HDL (High Density Lipoproteins) carry this body fat to the liver where it is stored, reducing cardiovascular risk.

There is also another type of fat transporter, which is VLDL (very low density lipoprotein) which in turn serves to transport triglycerides.

High blood pressure

Blood pressure is the pressure with which blood circulates in the body. When there is an increase in this pressure, we talk about high blood pressure. The latter is defined by two values:

- The value of systolic blood pressure: that is the level of pressure when the heart contracts and propels blood into the arteries. In case of hypertension, it is greater than or equal to 14.

- The value of diastolic blood pressure: which refers to the level of blood pressure when the heart relaxes, which is greater than or equal to 9.

High blood pressure is known as a pathology related to the aging of the human body. But it can also affect a young population because of lack of physical exercise and an unbalanced diet including high sodium.

The secret of salad: Its ingredients!

Cucumber contains potassium. Potassium has the effect of reducing the level of arterial tension and the risk of cardiovascular disease, which is why a potassium-enriched diet is recommended by the World Health Organization for high blood pressure. It also contains magnesium, which is necessary for the good health of the heart's arteries and whose deficiency would increase the risk of cardiovascular disease, hypertension and increase of triglycerides in the blood against a decrease in good cholesterol. It also has a good calcium content, which studies have proven effective in lowering blood pressure.

As small as the size of this herb, its virtues for your health are grandiose. A study published in "The Journal of Nutrition" has proved its effectiveness in regulating blood pressure, the concentration of cholesterol in the blood and the stimulation of the immune system.

The lemon
Lemon is a great food par excellence. It actually contains a large dose of antioxidants, including flavonoids, which reduce the level of cholesterol in the blood and the prevention of cardiovascular disease. In addition, its citric acid content, helps restore the acid-base balance of the body by making it slightly more alkaline while fighting against the chronic inflammation of the body resulting in several pathologies such as hypertension.

  • A fillet of lemon juice
  • 1 cucumber
  • 3 cloves of garlic

It is best to buy the organic ingredients for a healthier recipe.

Peel and crush the garlic, cut the cucumber into small pieces, then cut the crushed garlic into thin pieces. Mix in a bowl, add a drizzle of lemon juice. You can incorporate some mint leaves for garnish.

Because of the presence of garlic, this salad is prohibited for people with porphyria, a disease that makes photosensitive and whose effects can be increased. And to people who have undergone surgery because of the anticoagulant effect of garlic.

Lemon is also not recommended for breastfeeding women....
Lemon Cucumber Salad