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5 Minute Exercises To Burn Belly Fat

5 Minute Exercises To Burn Belly Fat

Most people complain of abdominal fat because it is the part that is the most difficult to burn. It is certain that to get there, an adequate training is necessary, but which one? In this article we have for you 5 minute exercises that will allow you to burn belly fat effectively!

It can be hard to find time for exercise nowadays. Between work, stress and poor diet, the pounds can accumulate quickly and can be seen at the waist. Bright Side accompanies us to give a demonstration of some movements and effective exercises of 5 minutes, to lose fat on the belly.

Exercises To Burn Belly Fat

5 minutes exercises to burn belly fat

Leg beats

Exercises To Burn Belly Fat

Lie on a carpet keeping your legs together. Then, squeeze your abs and lift your feet off the ground and then beat your legs up and down.

Repeat 15 times, pause, then repeat again.

Advantages :
This exercise will help you to:

- Burn calories
- Have a great cardio workout
- Improve endurance
- Eliminate belly fat
- Strengthen the trunk

Inverted abs

Exercises To Burn Belly Fat

Lie on your back by placing your hands on the floor and lifting your legs at a 90-degree angle.

Pull your legs and hips back while bringing your knees to your chest.

Repeat the exercise 15 times, pause, then repeat again.

Advantages :
This inverted abdominal exercise will help you to:

- To work the main abdominal muscles
- Improve posture
- Firming the lower abdominal muscles

Slots with kicks forward

Exercises To Burn Belly Fat

While standing, throw your leg forward and back with one foot to finish in the slot position.

Then return to the starting position, lift the other leg and kick forward. Then come back again to the slot position.

Repeat the exercise 15 times with each leg, pause, then repeat again.

Advantages :
This exercise of the slots with kicks before will help you to:

- Improve your basic stability
- Increase your flexibility
- Toning your gluteal muscles

The mountaineer's position

Exercises To Burn Belly Fat

Put yourself in a high plank position by placing your hands under your shoulders and extending your legs backwards.

Then engage your abdominal muscles, keeping your body in a straight line.

Pull one knee to the chest, then return it to its original position and change legs.

Repeat the exercise 15 times, pause, then repeat again.

Advantages :

This exercise of the mountaineering position will help you to:

- Have a full body workout
- Improve mobility
- Burn calories
- Work the muscles of the upper arms


Exercises To Burn Belly Fat

Lie on a carpet with your hands behind your head.

Raise both legs off the ground and bend one leg in turn, bringing the right knee to the left elbow and vice versa, such as the movement of a bicycle.

Repeat 15 times for each leg, pause, then repeat again.

Advantages :
This bicycle exercise will help you to:

- Firming the muscles of the hip
- Work the upper abdominal muscles
- Toning the muscles of the thighs

The "hops" on a bench

Exercises To Burn Belly Fat

Place your hands on a bench or chair, bringing your feet closer to the right side, and keeping your back straight.

Bend your knees and jump over the bench to the left side, then jump quickly to the right side without pausing between jumps.

Perform 20 jumps on the bench, pause, then repeat the exercise.

Advantages :
This exercise of "hops" on a bench will help you to:

- Toning the leg muscles
- Strengthen the muscles of the lower body
- Burn calories

Position of the crab by touching the toes

Exercises To Burn Belly Fat

Put yourself on a mat, feet in front of you by bending your knees, placing your hands behind you, and raising the hips off the floor.

Raise your right hand while simultaneously lifting your left leg while trying to touch the toes of your left foot with your right hand.

Return to the original position and change sides.

Make 16 toe touches, pause, then repeat the exercise.

Advantages :
This exercise of the position of the crab by touching the toes will help you to:

- Work the muscles of the arms and calves
- Work your trunk
- Burn fat