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Your Most Powerful Chakra Based On Your Zodiac Sign

Your Most Powerful Chakra Based On Your Zodiac Sign

Chakras are central points in our body. They allow the energy to circulate freely and this through many aspects of our life and our existence. Each chakra holds a particular power that can be exploited. According to astrology, each of us is governed by a chakra. Find out which is yours according to your zodiac sign!

Aries: Solar plexus chakra
The sign of the ram and the chakra of the solar plexus are ruled by the planet Mars. The solar plexus chakra is located above the navel and focuses on inner power.

He represents action and his main fear is related to shame and loss of self-esteem. This is why Aries always seek to protect themselves and their identity.

Taurus : Heart Chakra
Although natives of the sign of Taurus are generally perceived as materialistic and emotionless, the heart chakra is the one that governs them. The latter is a bridge between the spiritual and physical consciousness.

The main challenge for a Taurus is sorrow and romantic deception, which he fiercely protects himself from. People with a heart chakra must learn to forgive and be more compassionate.

Gemini: Chakra of the throat
As master of communication, the Gemini sign is governed by the throat chakra. The latter is the chakra of communication and creative identity.

The main challenge for natives of this sign is to face the truth, because lying is what unbalances the chakra of the throat. The latter serves as a means of expression to all other chakras and is there to purify them by expression.

Cancer: Third Eye Chakra
Regulated by the Moon, the third eye chakra is linked to the sign of Cancer. The third eye chakra is the chakra of insight and gives the individual a good vision of life.

Illusions are the biggest obstacle for people who have the third eye as the dominant chakra, because they can have false perceptions and prejudices.

Leo: Chakra crown
The crown chakra is linked to the sign of Leo and governs the highest spiritual aspects. It is also the chakra of knowledge and higher learning.

The main challenge of this chakra is attachment, because when it is unbalanced, the Leo turns to himself and is consumed by his ego. Thus he loses contact with the universal consciousness.

Virgo: Sacred Chakra
The sign of the Virgo is governed by the throat chakra, just like Gemini. This chakra affects the Virgin primarily in the process of self-purification and the healing power it brings.

The honest side of this sign is also an aspect of the throat chakra, and this expression comes from its careful analysis.

Libra: Heart Chakra
Like Taurus, the sign of Libra is governed by the heart chakra.

The selfless nature of Libra proves how much a person can be loving and caring. His infinite compassion for those around him is nothing but the symbol of the power of his heart chakra.

Scorpio: Sacred Chakra
The sacred chakra is linked to the sign of Scorpio and it is the chakra of emotions, feelings, sensuality, creativity and the inner child.

People governed by the sacred chakra view the world primarily through feelings and communicate through them. Their main challenge arises when they face guilt.

Sagittarius: Solar plexus chakra
Like Aries, Sagittarius is also governed by the solar plexus chakra. That's why Sagittarians have no trouble connecting with others.

The solar plexus is the chakra of action and will. When unbalanced, the natives of Sagittarius become lazy and lack the necessary will to achieve their goals.

Capricorn: Root Chakra
The sign of Capricorn is governed by the root chakra, which is the chakra of our physical manifestation and identity. The people governed by this chakra are preoccupied with material dimensions and physical goods.

Aquarius: Root Chakra
Like Capricorn, the sign of Aquarius is governed by the root chakra. This chakra allows him to maintain control and project a sense of warmth and security.

With this chakra, Aquarius can maintain a strong connection with every living being and with nature. His biggest fear is to be alone.

Pisces: Sacred Chakra
Like Scorpio, the sign of Pisces is governed by the sacred chakra. It's the most emotional chakra.

This is why the emotional and creative nature of Pisces is their strongest side. When they feel free to express their emotions, their creativity and their sensuality, Pisces are found in their element.
Chakra Based On Your Zodiac Sign