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The Best Lemon Drink To Eliminate 20 Pounds Of Toxins In The Intestines And Colon

The Best Lemon Drink To Eliminate 20 Pounds Of Toxins In The Intestines And Colon

The digestive tract of the human being includes organs of the digestive tract. It is therefore the mouth, throat (pharynx), esophagus, stomach, small intestine and large intestine. The latter, otherwise called colon, is an important step in digestion. After absorbing the nutrients, the colon gets rid of the rest of the food, which is waste and bacteria.

Divided into 4 parts, this organ begins with the ascending colon, followed by the transverse colon, then the descending colon and ends with the sigmoid colon connected to the rectum, which, in turn, eliminates waste through the stool. That said, if the waste accumulates in the colon, the digestion eventually slow down which can lead to intestinal problems such as gallstones and constipation.

It is therefore necessary to take regular measures in order to clean your colon and maintain its daily hydration. Getting rid of accumulated toxins has many health benefits including improving the immune system, fighting constipation, better digestion and so losing weight.

Natural recipes, economical and easy to prepare, can help you both clean your colon and lose weight. Here's a rich fiber that will improve your overall health.

  • 1 tablespoon of honey
  • 1 teaspoon of lemon zest
  • 1 tablespoon flaxseed
  • 1 tablespoon of chia seeds
  • 1 apple
  • 1 cup of water

How do these ingredients work?
Apples are a rich source of polyphenols and fiber. According to the researchers, a major proportion of the polyphenols in this fruit would be able to interact with pectin (insoluble fiber) to promote good health of the colon as well as that of tissues and other organs of the body.

Honey helps clean the colon of its waste. According to a study to identify the best procedures for people undergoing colonoscopy, scientists have found that "low-residue" diets composed of ingredients such as honey would be better tolerated by patients and would allow for colon cleansing as well effective than usual liquid procedures, without any side effects.

Flax seeds are rich in nutritive proteins, phenolic compounds with antioxidant action and dietary fiber. Thanks to her last, they fight not only effectively against constipation, but they also promote satiety.

Chia seeds contain soluble dietary fiber that is fermented in the colon and insoluble fiber that forms the bulk of the diet. Dietary fiber aids digestion and improves stool movement, allowing you to eliminate waste that can lead to complications.

To start, wash and seed the apple. Then cut it into small pieces before putting it in a blender. Add honey, water, linseed, zest and chia and mix for a few minutes.

This preparation must be consumed for 3 weeks, once a day. Combined with a healthy and balanced diet, it will allow you to clean your colon by avoiding constipation and waste accumulation. In addition, it will also help you lose weight faster by improving your metabolism and digestion. Along with the consumption of this remedy, it is important to adopt good eating habits, namely healthy meals low in sugars and fat.

Warnings :
Take advice from your doctor before starting a cleansing colon. Avoid taking flaxseeds in case of bowel obstruction or intestinal diverticula. As for the seeds of chia, they are disadvised to the people suffering from a cancer of the prostate.

Honey is not recommended for children under one year old because it causes the disease of infant botulism.
Lemon Drink To Eliminate 20 Pounds Of Toxins In The Intestines And Colon