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We Now Know Why Doctors Ask Patients To Drink Lemon Water

We Now Know Why Doctors Ask Patients To Drink Lemon Water

The virtues of water for our body are no longer a secret. Drinking enough water every day is an essential habit to maintain a healthy body. We often try to find alternatives and tips to make the taste better and more enjoyable. And to do this, to enhance our water of lemon juice makes it possible to take more pleasure to drink it. What's more, this citrus fruit has many benefits on our body, especially in the heart and liver as highlighted by scientific studies!

The liver is one of the organs of our digestive system and is involved in the process of digestion. Its main missions are to rid our body of toxins and secrete bile which is a liquid that promotes intestinal transit. On the other hand, the heart is the pillar organ of our body. By continuously contracting, it distributes blood to all our organs, ensuring their proper functioning.

Why detoxify the body?

Taking care of transforming the food intake into complex molecules involved in the proper functioning of our body, the liver constantly emits a large number of waste and toxins to be eliminated through its purifying action. Over time, this organ begins to be worn out and requires more maintenance on our part. Indeed, many factors impact our liver function, starting with a poor diet and an unhealthy lifestyle. Foods high in fat, excess alcohol, too much calories, so many reasons that overload our liver with toxins and slow down or hinder its action.

That's when lemon comes in. In addition to its pleasant aroma, it is involved in the purification and detoxification of our body by stimulating the action of the liver. That's not all, the lemon would also have considerable benefits on our heart. Explanations.

Benefits of lemon on our liver

According to a study published in the scientific journal BioMed Research International, lemon has a hepatoprotective role that protects liver cells after alcohol consumption, for example. Its vitamin C content also allows it to fight against the oxidative stress resulting from the proliferation of free radicals, molecules related to cellular aging.

Benefits of lemon on our heart
According to an article published by Journal of Nutritional Science, a sufficient intake of flavonoids found in citrus fruits would reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease and help fight against inflammatory diseases. Rich in fiber, minerals and antioxidants, lemon significantly protects our body.

When should you worry about the condition of your liver?
When he goes bad, the liver sends signals to sound the alarm about the need to pay double attention to his health. Gradually, he shows his fatigue and exhaustion at different levels of the body. Here are some signs to pay attention to:

- Nausea
- Diarrhea
- Yellowing of the skin
- Chronic fatigue
- Itches

A habit to integrate into your daily routine

In a glass of warm water, squeeze the juice of half a lemon and drink in the morning on an empty stomach. Choose organic lemons and avoid those that are too ripe.

This natural remedy is to be consumed as a cure and should not be followed in the long term. The ideal is to integrate it into your routine for 5 days to observe positive results. Take a break for a week then resume again for 5 days.

Lemon is not recommended for anyone with ulcers, heartburn or kidney problems. It is also prohibited in case of citrus allergy.

Ask for medical advice when in doubt or when there are particular health problems.
Drink Lemon Water