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Dr. David O's Diet, An Easy Way To Lose 500 Grams A Day

Dr. David O's Diet, An Easy Way To Lose 500 Grams A Day

We need water as much as we need air or food to survive. In fact, keeping yourself hydrated is necessary for our health and well-being. In fact, our body is about 60% water. Nevertheless, since this quantity is involved in all our bodily functions, it is constantly used or lost. It is therefore essential to replace it. Also, drinking enough water can help you lose weight. In this article, discover Dr. David Osumba's water diet that will allow you to say goodbye to your extra pounds.

You've probably heard more than once that water can help you lose weight, and it's not just an idea! In fact, drinking enough water helps boost your metabolism, cleanse your body of waste and suppress your appetite. Plus, it also helps your body fight water retention, which leads to weight loss ipso facto.

Some reasons why water can help you lose weight

Scientists do not know exactly how sufficient water intake keeps the line. Nevertheless, several studies have shown a positive correlation between optimal hydration and weight loss, including:

Increasing your feeling of fullness
When you drink water, you fill your stomach so that it sends signals to your brain so that it stops eating. This creates a feeling of fullness that reduces your hunger. One study found that overweight people who drank 500 ml of water before eating for 8 weeks were able to reduce their weight, body fat and body mass index.

Increasing calorie burning
Several researches have suggested that water can help burn calories. One study found that water increased energy expenditure by 2.9% 90 minutes after ingestion. In addition, drinking plenty of water reduces the consumption of other caloric drinks such as sodas or fruit juices.

Clean waste of the body
When you are dehydrated, your body can not properly dispose of waste through urine or stool. Thus, water helps the kidneys get rid of toxins and waste and keeps waste moving by softening hardened stools. However, when toxins accumulate in the body, you feel ballooned which can increase your waistline.

A diet with water to lose weight
Proposed by Dr. David Osumba, this somewhat fanciful diet is actually based on the fact that water provides a feeling of immediate satiety. You will eat less and therefore lose weight. For this doctor, just drink the water equivalent of each meal half an hour before eating. In addition, a study by researchers at the University of Birmingham found that drinking water before each meal helped promote weight loss during dieting. Here is an example of a menu to follow by adapting the amount of water drunk to your portions:
  • Breakfast: Drink 1 glass of water 30 minutes before eating

1 apple + a bowl of oatmeal + almond milk
  • Snack: Drink 1 glass of water 30 minutes before eating

A handful of nuts + 1 glass of tea
  • Lunch: Drink 4 glasses of water 30 minutes before eating

Baked Golden Chicken Breast + Brown Rice + Grilled Vegetables
  • Snack: Drink 1 glass of water 30 minutes before eating

Some carrot sticks
  • Dinner: Drink 4 glasses of water 30 minutes before eating

Zucchini spaghetti with garlic and mushrooms + A fish steak + 1 cup of tea before bedtime.

While forcing yourself to drink water without being thirsty may be difficult at first, it's a habit you can take pretty quickly. Also, you will understand, there is no miracle diet. Thus, to lose weight, it is useless to drink a lot of water if you do not combine this habit with a healthy diet and regular physical activity.
water diet