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How To Get Rid Of Excess Fat On Your Back And Sides In 21 Days

How To Get Rid Of Excess Fat On Your Back And Sides In 21 Days

Get Rid Of Excess Fat On Your Back

We are all different in our morphology and the pace at which we gain weight. If some people consume 2,500 calories to be healthy and function optimally during the day, others may consume the same caloric intake and gain weight.

If it turns out that diet plays a key role in a weight loss process, exercise is paramount when you target certain areas of your body. Indeed, whether to lose belly, arms, thighs or buttocks, you must practice a different sport.

While the healthy weight depends on the calculation of the body mass index, the weight of the form depends on where you feel good about yourself. The first can be achieved by dieting and restricting diet, but the second depends on your mental goals and your body design that you want to shape.

Of course, you have to stay realistic when you imagine the desired silhouette. In general the weight of form and the healthy weight vary of 5 kilos at the most.

If you have lost the pounds you want to lose but your cellulite and bulges do not disappear and they bother you, you can think about doing targeted sports to improve your body.

In this article, we offer physical exercises that target the fat on the back and on the handles of love. Of course, these exercises must complement a healthy and balanced eating routine and are in no way likely to replace a diet. Combining the two, you'll see noticeable changes in targeted areas in just 21 days.

The exercises that will allow you to lose your love handles and your back fat:
First of all, to perform these exercises (except for the last one which only requires one), you must have two dumbbells of 2 to 4 kilos for each hand.

1. Lateral elevation with leaning bust

Requested muscles:
This exercise mainly targets the shoulders, in particular the posterior beam located at the back, the latissimus dorsi and the triceps. On the other hand, this exercise requires the lumbar region, forearm and trapezius.

Get Rid Of Excess Fat On Your Back

How to do the exercise?
Take a dumbbell in each hand and bend your knees slightly. Standing, the bust leaning forward and the back straight, the arms must remain stretched.

Take a good breath and spread the arms on each side by tightening the shoulder blades. Keep your back well arched and lift the bust. Hold the position for a few seconds then slowly exhale and lower the dumbbells to the ground while controlling the movement. Do three sets of 10 to 12 repetitions. This exercise is to be done three to four times a week.

2. Lateral elevation with circular motions

Requested muscles:
This versatile movement mainly targets the back. It makes work the muscles of the upper back and those of the middle. Exercise also requires the biceps, shoulders and forearms. In addition, it allows to contract the abdominal and lumbar muscles.

Get Rid Of Excess Fat On Your Back

How to do the exercise?
The starting position is similar to the second exercise. Slightly bend your knees to support the position while mainly resting on the legs. Next, lean your bust forward so that it is parallel to the floor with your back straight. Then, bend the elbows 90 degrees laterally and make circular movements in a clockwise direction, always with your dumbbells. Do 3 sets of 10 to 12 repetitions, three times a week.

3. "Standing butterfly"

Requested muscles:
This exercise mainly targets the muscles around the chest. It also solicits the shoulders and pectorals and helps tone the appearance of the silhouette.

Get Rid Of Excess Fat On Your Back

How to do the exercise?
To perform this exercise, raise your arms at the shoulders by bending your elbows 90 degrees. Then close the arms always in the same position. Concentrate on the movement while inhaling and exhaling. Do 3 sets of 10 to 12 repetitions, four times a week.

4. Extension of standing triceps:

Requested muscles:
This polyarticular exercise works the triceps, the muscle of the posterior arm and extends from the elbow to the scapula. It helps strengthen the chest, shoulders and upper back.

Get Rid Of Excess Fat On Your Back

How to do the exercise?
First, take a dumbbell in both hands. Keep your back straight with your arms in front of you, along the body. Your feet should be positioned about shoulder width apart. Then, slowly raise both hands at the same time over the head so as to extend arms to the sky.

Then, while pressing your elbows inward, bend your arms to bring your hands and dumbbell back to your head. Breathe slowly and hold this position for a moment. Then return to the forward position with the arms outstretched towards the sky. Then, put yourself in the starting position.

For fast results, make three sets of 6 to 8 repetitions, four times a week.