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What Happens To Your Body When You Drink Lemon Juice With Parsley For 5 Days

What Happens To Your Body When You Drink Lemon Juice With Parsley For 5 Days

Parsley is a very popular plant all over the world thanks to its exquisite flavor and high nutritional value. But do you know that it is also effective for weight loss? With good hydration and physical activity, parsley and lemon juice can really work wonders for your body. So here is what will happen if you drink lemon juice and parsley on an empty stomach for only 5 days!

Obesity is a public health issue and the government plans to reduce the rate of obesity in adults by 15%, according to an article in BFM TV magazine. The World Health Organization considers that overweight and obesity are linked to a high number of serious diseases with a risk of death.

To know how to eat

A high calorie diet is one of the main factors in gaining weight. It is therefore essential to start by improving the quality of your plates to get rid of all this fat that lodges in different parts of the body. The success of long-term weight loss is based on healthy eating habits with less sugar, less fat, less processed foods and more fiber.

To have a healthy diet, here are some small changes to your daily life that can improve your overall health.
  • Promote more fruits, vegetables.
  • Instead, opt for home-cooked meals with the family instead of fastfoods.
  • Nibble nuts and fruits for your snacks.
  • Do not skip meals and snacks because you may overeat once you are hungry.
  • Relax and enjoy your meals by eating slowly.
  • Drink water and natural juices instead of sugary sodas.

Your natural drink made from parsley and lemon
Squeeze lemon juice and add parsley and water and mix well until smooth. Drink the juice in the morning on an empty stomach for five days. Take a break of 10 days before taking the cure.

The benefits of this drink

Although parsley is low in calories, it contains vitamins A, B, C and K as well as minerals such as iron and potassium. It also acts as a natural diuretic that helps flush out toxins and excess fluids. Moreover, a study published in the Journal of Clinical Biochemistry and Nutrition has shown that polyphenols found in lemons can help stimulate the liver to burn fat.

Immune system
Parsley can help modulate the immune system, it contains vitamin C just like lemon. This vitamin has potent antioxidant effects and plays an important role in strengthening the immune system and protecting against chronic diseases according to several researches. In addition, according to a British study, dried parsley may have a higher antioxidant content than fresh parsley.

As mentioned earlier, parsley is rich in vitamin K, also called a coagulation vitamin that is not suitable for people on anticoagulant therapy.

Pregnant, breastfeeding women and people with kidney failure should seek the advice of their doctors before consuming this drink.

As for lemon, it is contraindicated for people who suffer from ulcers or heartburn.
Drink Lemon Juice With Parsley