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How Long Do You Have To Walk To Lose Weight By Length And Weight

How Long Do You Have To Walk To Lose Weight By Length And Weight

To lose weight effectively and sustainably, you must change your lifestyle. While losing weight undeniably involves improving the quality of the food you eat, regular physical activity is crucial to achieving the desired shape and shape. Verywell fit, informs us on the walking time it takes to practice in order to lose weight.

Walking is a physical exercise that we do every day without realizing it. It turns out that this basic sport practice helps strengthen muscles and contribute to longevity.

In a weight loss approach, it is advisable to accompany a healthy diet with regular physical activity. Some people who want to lose weight see sport as a chore. They strive to restrict their diet and diet repetition while noticing that their beads and body fat do not disappear. Only, without regular physical activity, they have little chance to redraw their silhouette and regain their weight of form.

The advantages of walking:

Dr. Melina Jampolis, nutrition specialist, recommends in her book "The Doctor on Demand Diet" to regularly engage in regular physical activity to lose weight sustainably.

Here are the 7 benefits of walking.

1. Walk helps improve digestion
As you walk, you strengthen your abdominal muscles and stimulate your intestinal transit. This gentle physical activity helps fight against constipation and promote movement of the digestive system.

2. Walk  helps to lose weight
To lose weight, you must burn more calories than you consume. Brisk walking allows you to spend energy and burn calories. In addition, this physical activity stimulates metabolism resulting in caloric expenditure even at rest.

3. Walk encourages to achieve its objectives
The practice of physical activity promotes a boost of self-confidence and stimulates physical abilities in general. Walking regularly helps to increase one's determination in everyday life and to achieve one's goals. In addition, walking helps to develop one's ability to solve problems. According to a study, walking helps to find solutions to problems while removing the stress and hesitation that can crush ideas at a given moment.

4. Walk  protects the joints
This gentle sport helps strengthen the muscles that surround the joints. One study found that adults with joint pain saw their symptoms fade considerably after walking an hour a week. After seeing the benefits, participants continued to walk regularly to improve their mobility.

5. Walk stimulates the immune system and protects against diseases
According to one study, brisk walking can stimulate the immune system and reduce the risk of disease in the body. Walking helps combat cardiovascular disease by reducing blood pressure, according to a study by the British Journal of Sports Medicine. By regulating blood glucose levels, it also helps treat prediabetes and reduce the risk of developing diabetes, according to a study.

6. Walk promotes a restful sleep
Walking helps regulate melatonin which helps sleep better at night. A sedentary lifestyle or lack of physical activity can lead to sleep disorders. Sport helps reduce stress and promote restful sleep.

7. Walk boosts the mood
Sport allows the body to secrete endorphins that provide a feeling of lightness and well-being. Some athletes show a real euphoria after physical activity. In fact, a study has shown that physical exercise has a potential impact on anxiety. To fight against chronic fatigue and depression, nothing better than to walk in the open air.

How many calories did I lose when walking? (Its data is calculated for an average guest of 113 Pounds)
  • 10 min: 40 calories = 5 grams of fat
  • 30 min: 120 calories - 14 grams of fat
  • 60 min: 240 calories 27 grams of fat
  • 90 min: 360 calories 40 grams of fat
  • 120 min: 480 Calories 55 grams of fat

Frequency and walking time recommended for weight loss:

Each person is different and knows their own endurance abilities. However, doctors recommend walking for about thirty minutes, at the pace that suits everyone.

To see the expected effects on one's physical and mental well-being, begin by practicing this activity three times a week before making it your daily routine, as it is important to gradually increase walking time. Thus, you will see your figure outline, your mood improve and your creativity develop. 

In addition, you will protect your body from the various diseases that can weaken it every day. If it seems complicated to change one's habits at the beginning, one must have the courage to fight against a reluctant mind. Arm yourself with patience and perseverance. Over time, you will walk a habit of life that will bring you many benefits related to your health.
Walk To Lose Weight By Length And Weight