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The Famous Lemon, Ginger And Cucumber Drink Helps You Get Rid Of Toxins And Purify Your Body

The Famous Lemon, Ginger And Cucumber Drink Helps You Get Rid Of Toxins And Purify Your Body

Since the twentieth century, many doctors like Paul Carton have aroused their interest in natural medicine or what is more commonly called today: naturopathy. The main issue raised was the presence of toxins and wastes in our body and the importance of getting rid of them to maintain the general health of the human body.

There are two types of toxins: those produced inside your body and those that come from outside. For the first case, their accumulation depends mainly on the lifestyle you follow. Several factors are responsible, but we can cite mainly:

- The cellular work or our metabolic activity which designates the different interactions within the cells
- The degradation of the ingested food
- Digestive disorders such as food fermentation and overeating
- Stress and the rhythm of daily life

For toxins from outside the body, these are wastes that enter your body and have no particular function in addition to being harmful because your system needs to mobilize more energy to get rid of it. get rid of. In large quantities, they hinder its proper functioning. They come mainly from:
  • Pollution
  • Passive or active smoking
  • Chemical components in food
  • Foods that keep traces of pesticides
  • Chemical substances composing different cosmetic and maintenance products

These toxins are eliminated by the way of 5 organs called emunctory organs and which are: the liver, the kidneys, the intestines, the lungs and the skin. The presence of toxins in excess is harmful because it leads to the production of free radicals which are atoms that have lost an electron and thus become toxic.

Lemon, the first detox ally
Lemon is a good source of fiber including pectin. The latter maintains optimal functioning of your intestinal flora and allows better assimilation of nutrients while promoting the synthesis of intestinal hormones necessary for the proper functioning of the digestive organs including the liver which is an emunctory organ. In addition, it contains citric acid that helps limit the calcium deposits that cause kidney stones and thus protects your kidneys to fully perform their function as an organ emunctory.

Lemon contains a lot of antioxidants, mainly flavonoids that fight against free radicals that are active in the body.

Cucumber, for a light cure
This fruit (yes, for your information it is a fruit often used as a vegetable) contains festin, a nutrient with anti-inflammatory properties in addition to its composition rich in magnesium, potassium and vitamin B. It is widely used in detox cure for its freshness but also for the help it can give you to lose weight. Its volume is more than 90% composed of water, and it has been shown that a good hydration has a thermogenic effect, by reinforcing the cellular metabolism thus allowing the degradation of lipids via energy expenditure. Water also has a satietogenic effect, because when you are hungry, your body transmits a signal to your brain that is the same as when you are thirsty.

Ginger, a spice with many virtues
Ginger, preferably fresh, helps maintain your intestinal flora in good condition which improves your digestion by improving the activity of digestive enzymes and allows you to degrade fat effectively. It is also an important source of antioxidants including gingerol, these active components are known for their action against the harmful effects of free radicals and the resulting procession of diseases such as cardiovascular diseases. In addition, according to a study, gingerol makes it possible to fight against obesity, in particular that induced by a diet rich in fats.

The detox diet
This is not a strict diet in a weight loss project, but rather a change of dietary diet by adopting a healthier food hygiene consisting of fruits, vegetables and good nutrients. During this diet, you have to eliminate smoking, drastically reduce your consumption of alcohol or even abandon it altogether.

You should also save your body from swallowing sugars, soft drinks, or other processed beverages. Remember to consume protein, with a majority of vegetable protein and whole grains.

In addition to this, you must accompany this food rebalance with a detox drink. To prepare it, you need:

- 2 lemons, organic
- 1 cucumber, organic
- Half a root of ginger, organic
- A few mint leaves to flavor
- 400 ml of water

To prepare this concoction, squeeze the juice of the 2 lemons, add it to the water. Squeeze the ginger root and the cucumber. Stir in lemon water. Garnish with mint leaves for taste.

It is best to take this drink on an empty stomach in the morning.

It is not recommended to take this drink in case of kidney and biliary disorders, burns or stomach ulcers.
Get Rid Of Toxins And Purify Your Body