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Losing Weight For Lazy Women: A Lemon Tea To Burn Calories This Summer

Losing Weight For Lazy Women: A Lemon Tea To Burn Calories This Summer

Sometimes, just a gesture to boost your weight loss. Thanks to this natural drink, you will give a real boost to your diet. The mechanisms of the ingredients to stimulate your thinning are considerable. Enjoy the health and dietary virtues of honey and cinnamon. This drink will help you find a wasp waist and feel invigorated. You are told more in this nutrition point.

Draining drinks, diuretic shots, appetite suppressants, so many preparations that have flourished in the successful industry that represents thinness. What if nature was used instead to boost weight loss? The treasures of Mother Nature work by stimulating the body without presenting undesirable effects. A boon for those who want to get rid of unwanted pounds while enjoying many health benefits. Discover the slimming mechanisms of the ingredients of this powerful drink in our nutrition point.

The benefits of cinnamon

Cinnamon, your slimming ally
The sweet spice is recommended in the case of a slimming diet program. According to this study published in the journal Metabolism, cannelleagit by fighting against obesity. It is thanks to cinnamaldehyde that we owe him these dietary properties. This active biochemical compound works by stimulating the thermogenesis effect which induces a higher caloric combustion following a rise in body temperature. The spice also contributes to the feeling of satiety making us less vulnerable to cravings. So many arguments that push us to sprinkle this spice more regularly on our dishes.

Cinnamon, a protective spice of the digestive system
Thanks to its anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties, the spice is highly recommended to prevent digestive disorders. Scientists are formal: the ingestion of cinnamon is effective to stimulate the organs related to digestion.

Cinnamon, to prevent diabetes
Did you know that spice was a real shield against diabetes? Indeed, its regulating action on the glycemic rate makes it a natural remedy to be favored to protect itself from this chronic disease. According to this study, the spice would act effectively in the case of type 2 diabetes.

The benefits of honey

Honey, a healthier alternative to refined sugar
In addition to bringing a delicious flavor to your slimming drink, the bee product is a healthy alternative to sugar and has certain dietary properties. According to the results of this scientific and comparative in-vivo experiment, honey is a healthy alternative to sucrose responsible for diabetes and weight gain. A natural sweetener that is essential to focus on sweetening drinks.

How to prepare the slimming drink?
As a reminder, it is essential to consume this drink as part of an adapted food program and sustained physical activity. To observe conclusive results on your weight loss and your health, we advise you to obtain the ingredients of biological origin.


- 1 tablespoon of pure honey
- 1 tablespoon cinnamon
- 1 dash of lemon juice
- 1 cup filtered water

  • Bring the water to a boil and add the cinnamon.
  • Let cool and pour the preparation into a glass container.
  • Then add the honey and mix the drink.

Use :
Drink this preparation on waking and before bedtime. You can keep it one day in the refrigerator.

Caution :
  • Cinnamon is contraindicated in case of pregnancy.
  • Honey is forbidden for people with diabetes.
  • As a reminder, it is essential to inform your doctor before starting any slimming treatment.
Losing Weight For Lazy Women