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4 Reasons Your Doctor Will Ask You To Have A Lemon At Home

4 Reasons Your Doctor Will Ask You To Have A Lemon At Home

Lemon is a citrus fruit rich in vitamin C. Equipped with a smooth bark of yellow or green color, this small fruit of acid flavor is full of antioxidants. The latter have been the subject of several scientific research and their virtues for physical and mental health have been highlighted by many doctors. Discover why you should always have at least one lemon at home!

Taste enhancer, natural repellent, remedy against infectious or inflammatory diseases, means of prevention against the proliferation of bacteria or cosmetic ingredient ... The lemon has been used for many uses. The nutrients contained in this fruit give it an important role as an ally health and well-being.

Discover the reasons why you must absolutely keep at least one lemon at home:

To be in good health
Lemon is rich in flavonoids and limonoids, sources of antioxidants that help protect the body against many diseases. According to one study, lemon can fight against the effects of free radicals and oxidative stress. In addition, the fruit can improve insulin sensitivity and regulate blood glucose levels. It is therefore recommended for people who have diabetes.

In addition, this citrus has proven hepatoprotective properties. A study shows that the antioxidants contained in lemon helped protect the liver and fight against liver damage.

Thanks to the polyphenols it contains, lemon also helps keep the line from fighting fat storage. According to one study, lemon prevents the accumulation of body fat and promotes weight loss. Ingesting lemon juice can be very beneficial for obese or overweight people.

Lemon also helps fight inflammation. Indeed, a study proves that lemon acts effectively as a natural anti-inflammatory to reduce the symptoms of inflammation-related diseases such as arthritis and joint pain.

Lemon is also used to prevent the formation of kidney stones. Scientific research shows that citric acid prevents the crystallization of calcium in the urinary tract. Lemon juice helps to block the formation of kidney stones.

For the health of the skin
The antioxidants that abound lemon make it a safe value to fight against cellular aging. Indeed, you can fight wrinkles and fine lines by regularly drinking lemon juice. According to one study, citrus fruits are rich in nutrients that help protect the skin against age-related signs. By promoting the production of collagen, lemon preserves the elasticity of the skin.

In addition, lemon has a very effective whitening action to fight against imperfections of the face and give a radiant complexion. A study highlights the potential of citrus to prevent the production of melanin, the pigment responsible for blackening of the skin.

In addition, lemon is known to fight acne pimples on the face. The citric acid contained in this fruit has a preventive and curative action against acne. According to scientific research, the ingestion of citrus helps regulate the level of sebum preventing acne pimples from appearing on the face.

For psychic health
In a world where daily actions cause stress for the body, it is good to be interested in natural remedies. When you are anxious, you secrete cortisol. According to a study, the smell of lemon helps soothe tensions. By putting a few slices of lemon in your bedroom, you reduce stress and promote a state of calm conducive to relaxation.

It also appears that vitamin C contained in lemon helps combat depression, anger and fatigue. Scientific research shows that the consumption of fruits and vegetables rich in vitamin C has significantly improved the mood of young adults.

To keep insects away from you
Bugs like ants have a very developed sense of smell and they communicate with each other by propagating track pheromones. These last serve as odorous signals allowing to be found in the same place. When the smell of lemon is diffused, insects undergo a disturbance of their senses. They can no longer share the essential information so that they find themselves and end up leaving the premises. A few drops of lemon juice in your house and the insects will go away!

Warnings :

  • If you suffer from citrus allergy, stomach problems, ulcers or heartburn, do not eat lemon.
  • Lemon is photosensitizing. Do not expose yourself directly to the sun after applying lemon juice to your skin.
4 Reasons Your Doctor Will Ask You To Have A Lemon At Home