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3 Reasons Why Diets Do Not Work

3 Reasons Why Diets Do Not Work

Diet Dukan, single-diet, Scarsdale. In terms of draconian diet, there is something for everyone. Sometimes miraculous promises of weight loss, they may be disappointing despite the efforts of the aspirants to thinness. Worse, these food programs can promote the yo-yo effect and weigh permanently on the silhouette. Here are 3 reasons that lead a diet to fail. You are told more in this nutrition point.

We often tend to believe, wrongly, that a draconian diet may be more effective than a food rebalancing. The media often extol the merits of these diets, failing to warn about the essentiality of instituting a balanced post-diet eating routine. Here are 3 reasons why a plan is likely to fail.

1- They slow down the process of weight loss
Following a deprivation, the body reacts in such a way as to counteract the weight loss. The hormones responsible for storing fat such as cortisol and adrenaline are secreted in greater amounts. The reason ? The drastic calorie reduction causes the body to optimize its energy and fat reserves thus slowing down our efforts. According to the findings of this study, reducing our caloric intake may be ineffective in terms of weight loss. For example, focusing on nutrient intakes and lowering the fat content of your food can be a good idea if you want to achieve your goals sustainably. By maintaining a caloric intake adapted to its gender and its basic metabolic rate, we optimize the functioning of our vital functions without jeopardizing the slimming process.

2- Diets are punctual
The plans are intended to allow weight loss over a fixed period. In the absence of a consolidation phase, there is a good chance that weight gain will appear following this period of deprivation. A long-term eating routine is essential to overcome the yo-yo effect, a frequent consequence of drastic diets. To initiate a slimming rebalance program, it is important to rethink your eating habits permanently. This involves focusing on balance by learning about the nutritional values ​​of each food. Thus, we prepare our meals by ensuring that our protein, fiber, carbohydrate and mineral needs are met. A better knowledge of the contents of our food is essential to the sustainable maintenance of our weight of form.

3- Diets are often monotonous
Most diets leave no room for inventiveness and fun. During a mono-diet, one or more foods are preferred and this usually leads to frustration. The pleasure factor being decreased, the risks of deviations are increased causing them a loss of motivation. It is therefore essential to vary the flavors and introduce snacks of our choice to register our project of weight loss over time. A cake or a slice of pizza will allow you to consolidate your motivation and to have healthier eating habits. Composing upstream menus is a good habit not to sink into monotony.

What if we went further?

To put the odds on your side, you can put some provisions in place.

- The practice of sustained physical activity combined with a balanced diet will help you optimize your weight loss. Choosing a sport in which you thrive is a wise habit to keep your motivation intact. Zumba, swimming, aquabike, so many disciplines to vary the pleasures!

- Establishing a diet book can help you organize while following your goals. You can also transcribe your feelings and some inspirational quotes!
Why Diets Do Not Work