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6 Tips From Health Experts To Lose Weight This Summer

6 Tips From Health Experts To Lose Weight This Summer

You have decided to lose weight. So, you promised yourself to do regular physical activity, you try to stick to a healthier diet and avoid the gaps as best you can. However, nothing works, the number on your scale hardly diminishes. In fact, old habits die hard! And although your approach is excellent, it's the small changes that make the biggest changes. If you stick, they become a daily routine. In this article, discover simple habits of health experts that can help you lose weight.

In opposite to what one might think, the best habits are those that do not require much time or effort. It just takes an awareness and a daily action for their implementation. However, there are many who get distracted and find excuses. Stress, overloaded schedule, accumulating fatigue, etc. It is then easier to let go.

Your health is a priority and should never go after your work, your family or your social life.

Obesity and health risks

Obesity is actually a serious chronic disease that can affect your body in many ways. 40% of the population is obese or overweight. Alarming figures, when we know that these people are at a much greater risk of developing serious diseases, including:
  • Heart disease
  • Type 2 diabetes
  • High blood pressure
  • Strokes
  • Diseases of the gall bladder
  • Non-alcoholic fatty liver disease
  • High cholesterol levels
  • Sleep apnea
  • Arthritis
  • Infertility

Some simple habits that can help you lose weight

1- If you do not like to play sports, 30 minutes are enough
Good news for the followers of the sofa! A study by researchers at the University of Copenhagen, Denmark found that 30 minutes of sport a day was enough to lose weight. Scientists have found that people who exercised for 30 minutes every day, even at home, lost 3 pounds in 3 months, as much as those who had been training for 1 hour.

2- Learn to eat slowly and slowly
Because of our hectic pace of life, most people tend to eat fast in order to resume their activities. However, eating slowly actually improves the episodic memory of the meal and promotes the feeling of satiety. In other words, when you eat too quickly, your brain does not have time to notice that your stomach is full, which leads you to eat more than reason.

3- Avoid eating in front of the screens
This applies mainly to children! In fact, an analysis conducted by the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition found that television ads and agri-food advertising, especially ads for unhealthy food, increased appetite and made people eat excessively. In addition, it has also been revealed that people who watch television while they eat are distracted and do not control the quantities consumed.

4- Do not overheat your interior
A study published in the journal Obesity Reviews showed that there is a link between ambient temperature and energy expenditure. Thus, according to this research, reduced exposure to cold can have effects on energy expenditure thus reducing the need for thermogenesis and thermogenic capacity. In other words, the more heat we are exposed to, the less we can burn calories.

5- Read the food compositions
Reading food labels will help you better understand their nutritional value. This can help you limit the amount of fat and sugar in your diet by allowing you to easily compare one food with another. Conversely, it is also useful to use packaging information to find foods rich in vitamins, fiber or protein.

6- Eat more yogurt, nuts and vegetables
According to a study conducted by research teams at the Harvard School of Public Health and published in the New England Journal of Medicine, it is more important to consume larger amounts of healthier foods than dieting. Indeed, participants with a significant amount of yogurt, nuts and vegetables, among other healthy foods, managed to lose weight because it allowed them to feel full and prevented them from eating fatty foods.
6 Tips From Health Experts To Lose Weight This Summer