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5 Natural Ways To Kill Nicotine Cravings For Those Trying To Quit Smoking

5 Natural Ways To Kill Nicotine Cravings For Those Trying To Quit Smoking

A smoker makes an average of 9 to 11 stopping attempts before getting rid of the cigarette. Some methods may be based on drug treatments, while others may be natural. According to a Mayo Clinic article, when a person feels the need to smoke, even if he is strong, it will dissipate a few minutes later. Discover 5 natural ways to reduce nicotine cravings!

All of these warning labels on cigarette packages and these tragic images of diseases on television are very real. Ninety percent of lung cancer patients are smokers and more than 1.1 billion people in the world smoke tobacco. Smoking is inhaling chemicals that are harmful and fatal to humans such as arsenic, carbon monoxide and tiny glass particles.

The impact of nicotine on our body

After inhaling the smoke of a cigarette, the nicotine enters the bloodstream and crosses the blood-brain barrier to reach the brain in just a few seconds.

Nicotine is a toxic alkaloid that is both a sedative and a stimulant. This substance stimulates the adrenal glands, which causes the release of adrenaline. This adrenaline rush immediately releases glucose and causes an increase in heart rate, respiratory activity and blood pressure. Nicotine also causes the release of dopamine in the areas of pleasure and motivation of the brain thus creating a dependency in the smoker.

In a study by the Department of Epidemiology and Public Health at University College London, showed that an increase in cortisol in smokers is usually attributed to nicotine exposure. And as confirmed by several studies, an increase in cortisol levels can weaken the immune system and make the body vulnerable to diseases and infections.

You can become easily dependent on nicotine and weaning becomes difficult. For example, symptoms range from permanent craving, feeling of emptiness, anxiety, depression, mood swings, problems with concentration, and irritability. To remedy this, here are natural solutions to reduce cravings.

5 natural ways to quit smoking and alleviate withdrawal symptoms:

In a clinical trial at a Romanian university, smoking patients who received magnesium therapy showed a significant decrease in the number of cigarettes smoked. Indeed, magnesium reduces nicotine addiction by affecting the NMDA receptors that control the release of dopamine.

Despite the debate about the effectiveness of this method, hypnosis can help to quit smoking because it creates an altered state of consciousness in which the smoker can transcend certain aspects of reality and feel compelled to follow the instructions of the hypno therapist. According to a randomized trial published by the Official Journal of Research on Nicotine and Tobacco, hypnosis has been shown to produce long-term smoking cessation rates.

A Norwegian study confirmed that acupuncture treatment can have a long-term effect on quitting or reducing smoking. In fact, the insertion of needles at specific locations reduces the taste of tobacco and the desire to smoke among smokers.

Physical activity
In an article in Everyday Health magazine, American Lung Association medical advisor Norman H. Edelman explains that physical activity can reduce the need for smoking. Move more, walk instead of taking the car and ride a bike; it will only do you good.

Lemon and ginger
This method, even if it has not been scientifically proven, remains fairly widespread for its effectiveness. All you have to do is soak ginger roots in lemon juice and black pepper and keep the mixture in a cool container. Suck a piece of ginger whenever you feel the need to smoke.
Kill Nicotine Cravings