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A Doctor Reveals 4 Mistakes That All People Make When They Want To Lose Weight

A Doctor Reveals 4 Mistakes That All People Make When They Want To Lose Weight

Losing weight has always been one of our top priorities. Getting rid of excess fat, firming your body and reducing your waistline has not always been easy, especially with the many diets that come into being every day. Distinguishing the true from the fake then becomes more complicated than we thought. According to Dr. Nick Fuller, author of the Interval Weight Loss, there are certain myths that must be known to detect in order to avoid harming our health.

Any habit that one decides to undertake vis-à-vis one's body must be thoughtful to achieve one's goals while maintaining good health. It goes without saying that when we talk about weight loss, it's important to know how to balance things out in order to avoid drastic efforts that will prove to be ineffective in the long run. To do this, it is important to know how to detect the bad information that is presented to us daily.

Count calories consumed
Who says weight loss, says drop in caloric intake. The majority will automatically think of tracking their daily calories without paying attention to the labels. Indeed, not all calories are equal: 100 calories of chips will never replace 100 calories provided by the avocado in terms of macronutrients. It is in this sense that Dr. David Ludwigdevelops the concept of the empty calorie found in certain foods that do not bring any benefit to our body and that can be replaced by more interesting food choices.

Dr. Nick Fullerconsider that this practice is a simple "waste of time". Counting calories is not a habit that the individual wishing to lose weight is able to hold in the long run. In addition, the doctor questions the concept of "calorie in calorie out". It is a vision that some people adopt towards food, pushing them to make their daily caloric intake their main goal and this, without worrying whether the calorie is "good" or "bad" for the food. 'organization.

Reduce your carbohydrate intake
Decreasing or even eliminating carbohydrates from your diet is one of the most common diet myths. Indeed, not all carbohydrates lead to weight gain, hence the need to favor those that come from healthy and natural ingredients.

In addition, these macronutrients allow the cells of our body to be endowed with energy once transformed into glucose by our organism and their total absence would constitute a risk for our health, as Dr. Fuller explains.

The ketogenic diet
This diet joins the previous idea. The decrease in carbohydrates associated with an increase in lipids would represent, according to Dr. Nick Fuller, a risk to our health in the long term. Detractors of this diet warn of the consequences that it could imply. Nutritionist Lisa Cimperman tells Healthline magazine that the diet is too drastic and will cause too much muscle wasting.

Low fat foods
We have all heard that in order to lose weight, you have to make fat its number 1 enemy. And yet, there is a lot of controversy surrounding the issue. Indeed, lipids play an important role in our diet. Very good source of energy, they intervene in the body by ensuring the structure and functioning of cell membranes.

In his book "The Bad Food Bible", Dr. Aaron Carroll says that fat intake will not make you gain weight. On the contrary, when they are of good quality, it would be perfectly appropriate to stay in good health and support a healthy diet. Thus, avocado, salmon and nuts are foods that should not be given up because they are high in fat.

Note that we must maintain an individual approach because each metabolism is different. If you want to lose weight and have doubts about how to proceed, it is recommended that you seek the advice of a specialist.
A Doctor Reveals 4 Mistakes That All People Make When They Want To Lose Weight