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8 Drinks To Drink At Bedtime To Lose Abdominal Fat

8 Drinks To Drink At Bedtime To Lose Abdominal Fat

To get rid of belly fat, care must be taken to balance the diet and to practice sports that primarily target this area. Abdominal fat is one of the most difficult to lose. However, it is not impossible to achieve this. With motivation, a change in eating habits and patience, this excess fat can gradually melt.

According to Deborah Ohana, dietician nutritionist of sports, poor food choices are the main cause of the appearance of adipose tissue in the stomach. This clear statement indicates that to eliminate once for all this fat, you must opt ​​for healthy foods.

In this article, we have selected 8 drinks to take before going to bed to accelerate your weight loss approach.

Very effective, these drinks mainly target belly fat.

1- Cucumber juice
To prepare this juice, simply mix 2 cucumbers with a little water. Very refreshing vegetable, cucumber is very low in calories. It is composed of over 95% water and contains fiber to improve intestinal health and provide the body a feeling of satiety. Cucumber is a powerful slimming ally, it is full of vitamin C and vitamin K.

2- Lemon and cucumber juice
To prepare this juice, press ½ lemon then put it in a blender with a cucumber. Mix the ingredients.

Lemon is the flagship fruit of slimming diets. Rich in antioxidants and vitamin C, it preserves the body of pathogenic microorganisms. According to a study, the polyphenols in lemon helped to overcome body fat, improve insulin resistance and reduce the weight of people suffering from obesity.

3- Apple and lemon juice
To prepare this drink, mix the juice of 1/2 lemon, an apple and a little water.

By combining lemon, rich in antioxidants, and the apple that is full of fiber, fat will be quickly eliminated.

The apple is a very satiating fruit. According to one study, apple consumption leads to considerable weight loss. Containing pectin, a fiber that swells in the intestine and gives the body a feeling of fullness, this fruit is very effective during a slimming process.

4- Ginger tea
To make this tea, let some grated ginger steep in hot water for 5 minutes.

Ginger has been proven to reduce body fat. Indeed, a study shows that ingestion of ginger leads to an increase in thermogenesis. It allows to eliminate adipose tissue and control appetite.

5- Kiwi juice
To make this drink, mix two kiwis with a little water.

Kiwis are rich in vitamin C and vitamin E. In addition, this fruit is rich in soluble and insoluble fiber that improves intestinal transit. It also helps regulate blood sugar and cholesterol. Containing polyphenols, it helps boost the immune system and leads to the burning of body fat.

6- Pineapple juice
Mix ½ pineapple with water to obtain a tasty and detoxifying juice.

Pineapple contains bromelain, flavonoids and polyphenols. These antioxidants are excellent for improving your health capital. Pineapple is rich in fiber that guarantees better digestion and a reduction in dietary intake. A study shows that pineapple juice has helped fight against the accumulation of body fat and can be an effective slimming ally.

7- Grapefruit juice and cinnamon
Squeeze half a grapefruit and add a cinnamon stick.

Containing antioxidants, grapefruit helps regulate blood sugar levels and effectively counteract excess weight.

Cinnamon contains soluble fiber that, when ingested by the body, causes a feeling of prolonged satiety.

A study shows that cinnamon induces a thermogenesis which causes the browning of adipose tissue. As a result, cinnamon fights weight gain and fights obesity.

8- Apple cider vinegar juice
Apple cider vinegar contains antioxidants and fiber. It helps to reduce the storage of sugar and promotes the burning of fat. In addition, it has an undeniable effect on satiety since it allows to increase the volume of the gastric bowl and thus, to better control the food consumed during the day. In addition, according to a rat study, ingestion of acetic acid has been shown to suppress body fat, although further studies in this direction are required.


Lemon is not recommended for burns and stomach ulcers
Lose Abdominal Fat