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You Are Not Fat, You Are Just Inflated. Here's How To Deflate Your Belly With Lemon

You Are Not Fat, You Are Just Inflated. Here's How To Deflate Your Belly With Lemon

Belly bloating is often painful and causes intestinal discomfort. The causes are often varied and may be due to indigestion, constipation, gas trapped in the stomach, irritable bowel syndrome or some foods that promote this phenomenon.

In general, bloating is not a cause for concern, but when it persists, it can be in some cases a sign of a serious health problem and should be treated in time. Here are the most common causes of gastric bloating:

When the body is not well hydrated, it can cause various symptoms, including bloating. Therefore, be sure to drink 6 to 8 glasses of water each day.

Excessive consumption of carbohydrates
With a diet rich in sugars and carbohydrates, stomach bloating can occur because of starch and carbohydrate fermentation. You must limit the consumption of these foods and eat more fruits and vegetables.

Constipation may increase symptoms of bloating, according to a study. This problem can be solved with increasing consumption of high fiber foods.

Eat too fast
People who eat too fast often feel swollen. It is therefore advisable to start chewing slowly and take small bites to avoid swallowing air and gas.

High stress levels
Excessive stress is another common cause of bloating because it causes contraction of the intestines and aerophagia.

Helicobacter pylori
The bacterium Helicobacter pylori (H. pylori) infects the gastric mucosa of the stomach and causes various problems, such as bloating, gastric and duodenal ulcers, loss of appetite, unexplained weight loss, nausea, and heartburn.

Although the problem of bloating can usually be treated with medication, there are also effective natural remedies that will deflate your stomach quickly.

  • 1 lemon, organic
  • 1 cucumber, organic
  • A tablespoon of Aloe Vera gel, organic
  • 1 tablespoon of grated ginger, organic
  • A bouquet of parsley, organic
  • 1/2 glass of water

Squeeze the lemon to extract the juice, then peel the cucumber and cut it into slices. Put them in a Mixer and add the other ingredients with the water and mix everything until a homogeneous mixture. Pour the drink into a glass and consume it immediately to relieve your bloating and deflate your stomach.

Benefits of ingredients

It is important to drink lots of fluids and stay hydrated for a good food transit through the digestive tract when you feel bloated.

Lemon juice is rich in fiber, helping to improve intestinal health and prevent constipation.

Cucumber can help support intestinal transit and regular bowel movements. It is rich in water and promotes hydration. According to a study published in Nutrition Reviews, staying hydrated can improve stool consistency, prevent constipation, and help maintain proper intestinal transit.

In addition, cucumber contains fiber that helps regulate stool. In particular, pectin, a type of soluble fiber that can help increase stool frequency. According to a study in China in 2014, it was found that pectin accelerated the movement of intestinal muscles, while nourishing the beneficial bacteria in the intestine that improve digestive health.

Aloe Vera gel
Research has shown some benefits of Aloe Vera for combating constipation. According to a study published in Journal of Research in Medical Sciences, the results showed a positive effect of Aloe vera on people with irritable bowel syndrome suffering from constipation, pain and flatulence.

Ginger compounds, called gingerols and shogaols, can help stimulate contractions and emptying the stomach. According to a study published in European Journal of Gastroenterology & Hepatology, the results showed that ginger accelerates gastric emptying and stimulates contractions of the intestines in healthy participants. The researchers also concluded that these effects could be potentially beneficial for symptomatic individuals.

Parsley is also effective at eliminating bloating. According to a study published in Journal of Ethnopharmacology, parsley can be used as a natural diuretic to reduce fluid retention and relieve bloating.

Caution :
- Lemon is not recommended for people with a citrus allergy, as well as people who suffer from stomach ulcers or heartburn.

- Ginger is not recommended for pregnant or breastfeeding women, as well as people with blood disorders, weak or diabetic.
Deflate Your Belly With Lemon