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This Garlic And Lemon Remedy Is Scientifically Proven To Clear The Arteries And Prevent Heart Disease

This Garlic And Lemon Remedy Is Scientifically Proven To Clear The Arteries And Prevent Heart Disease

Bloodstream-related diseases are the most common today because of sedentary lifestyle and poor nutrition, leading to clogged arteries and thus increased risk of heart disease. Why we have the solution to prevent these diseases, thanks to garlic and lemon!

Garlic and lemon

The combination of garlic and lemon can be very powerful to effectively clear the arteries. Regular consumption of this mixture can also help if you already have heart problems or want to protect yourself. Moreover, in a study published in the International Journal of Preventive Medicine, it was shown that the mixture garlic and lemon have an impact on the improvement of lipid levels and minimize cardiovascular risk.

Here are 2 different ways to use garlic and lemon to prevent cardiovascular disease:

- 4 lemons, organic
- 4 cloves of garlic, organic
- 3 liters of water

Instructions :
Peel the lemons and cut into small pieces. Peel the garlic cloves and chop them into small pieces as well. Mix the ingredients and put the mixture in a saucepan.

Add 3 liters of water and boil over medium heat. When the mixture begins to boil, let it simmer for 10 minutes over low heat. Then let it cool to room temperature. Be sure to filter the mixture and pour the resulting liquid into a pre-sterilized glass container, which you will place in the refrigerator.

Begin the first few days by taking 1 tablespoon of the liquid then increase the dose to 2 tablespoons each day for 3 weeks and then take a break of one week. Then consume the same amount of this drink again for the next 3 weeks, then stop taking it. It is important to start with a small amount initially to gradually assess your body's response.

Benefits of ingredients

It is well known that lemon is a good source of vitamin C. In fact, 100 g of lemon provides about 53 mg of vitamin C. Also, it has been shown that the consumption of fruits and vegetables rich in vitamin C reduces the risk of heart disease and stroke. According to a study published in Annals of Internal Medicine, 84,251 women aged 34 to 59 years were followed over a 14-year period and 42,148 men aged 40 to 75 years were followed for 8 years. All were free of cardiovascular disease and diabetes from the study. The results showed that the consumption of fruits and vegetables, especially green leafy vegetables and fruits and vegetables rich in vitamin C, had a protective effect against coronary heart disease.

According to another study published Bioorganic & Medicinal Chemistry, a natural compound found in lemon, namely hesperidin, has shown an ability to reduce total blood cholesterol levels.

According to a study published in Nutrition Research and Practice, garlic consumption has shown an ability to reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease related to total cholesterol, bad cholesterol (LDL cholesterol), and blood pressure.

Garlic allows the reduction of the amount of plaque in the arteries. In fact, according to a study published in The Journal of Nutrition, patients with Metabolic Syndrome who consumed aged garlic extract were able to reduce plaque buildup and prevent the formation of new plaques in arteries, which can cause heart disease.

Caution :
- Lemon is not recommended for people suffering from heartburn or stomach ulcers, as well as people with citrus allergies.

- Garlic is not recommended for people suffering from blood disease, because it can increase the effects, as well as people who have undergone surgery, because of the anticoagulant effect of garlic that can cause hemorrhages.

 - It is advisable to seek the advice of your doctor or dietitian before following this treatment, especially if you suffer from any disease or follow a drug treatment.
Garlic And Lemon Remedy