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Here Is Your Karma Based On Your Zodiac Sign

Here Is Your Karma Based On Your Zodiac Sign

According to Hindu philosophy, the destiny of every living being is influenced by karma. This law resulting from the Indian thought induces that each action has consequences on the events to come. Thus, a previous life could have effects on our present life if our behavior was virtuous. According to astrology, our karma can depend on our zodiac sign. Will you recognize this description? We tell you more in our astro point.

"I do not know what's happening to me right now. I must have bad karma "This sentence, often tinged with a hint of irony, makes sense if one adheres to Hindu beliefs. These are also similar to Judeo-Christian ideals according to which every bad action never fails to be sanctioned. According to the celestial configurations, each sign of the zodiac has a specific karma which conditions its destiny. Lighting.

Aries (March 21-April 19)
The natives of this sign lack so much patience that they become irascible. This readiness for anger can turn against them and bog them into delicate situations. Aries should work on their impulsiveness because they could face a formidable opponent.

Taurus (April 20-May 20)
The Taurus are constantly stubborn enough to appear limited. This propensity to do only their head can strongly impact their relations that risk eventually being broken. The loneliness that will fall on it will risk losing the assurance of the natives of this sign.

Gemini (May 21-June 20)
Scattered and distracted, Gemini will lack concentration which will seriously impact their lives. Their inability to take things seriously will lead to the failure of their projects.

Cancer (June 21-July 22)
Cancer tends to be perpetually nostalgic. This visceral attachment to traumas of the past will lead them to neglect their present which will be tinged with regret and bitterness.

Leo (July 23-August 22)
The lack of humility of the Lion will not be without consequences. This tendency to rest on their laurels will leave freedom to the opponents of the natives of this sign to exceed them.

Virgio (23 August-22 September)
The Virgo is extremely severe towards themselves. This obsession with control will prevent them from savoring the small victories of everyday life.

Libra (23 September-22 October)
The passivity of Libra will tend to drag them into a vicious circle. Without positive initiatives, the natives of this sign can not hope to reap the benefits of success.

Scorpio (23 October-21 November)
The vengeful side of the Scorpions will invariably end up shooting them in the foot. To sow hatred, we end up harvesting hatred, the natives of this sign will unfortunately learn this lesson at their expense.

Sagittarius (November 22-December 21)
The boundless spontaneity of Sagittarius can prove to be an obstacle to their success. They should be careful not to say anything they think, or they will be suspicious of those who put them to the test.

Capricorn (22 December-19 January)
The paranoid instinct of Capricorn will invariably end up turning against them. They expect so much to be betrayed that they will eventually provoke this event without even realizing it.

Aquarius (January 22-February 18)
Aquarians tend to be governed by their jagged moods. This readiness to react to their emotions may jeopardize the viability of their projects.

Pisces (February 19-March 20)
The wait-and-see attitude of Pisces can be a real obstacle to their personal development. The natives of the sign of Water may be overwhelmed by events if they do not show a sense of initiative.
Karma According To Your Zodiac Sign