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5 Plants That Bring Negative Energy At Home

5 Plants That Bring Negative Energy At Home

5 Plants That Bring Negative Energy At Home

Feng Shui, a traditional Chinese art of living, is a practice aimed at optimizing the circulation of vital energy between humans and their environment. Thus, as the principle of Feng Shui is based on the flow of energy, it is often used in interior decoration to provide relaxation and well-being and advise on the best way to divide the space around us in order to promote good harmony.

Among the aspects examined is also the impact of plant energy and vibrations on mood and general wellbeing, as mentioned in the current magazine Femme. Although these beliefs remain subjective, discover, according to Feng Shui, the 5 types of plants to never install inside your home.

According to Chinese tradition, plants are living beings capable of liberating a vibrant energy. It is therefore useful to be able to recognize which of them sends us the best waves and those whose nuisance is more important than the benefits.

A Feng Shui analysis will have to be unique and personalized for each room of your apartment or your house in consultation with a specialist. And if you can not afford one, we list below a set of plants that are best not available in your home.

5 Plants That Bring Negative Energy At Home

If bonsai are often appreciated for their resistance and their foliage, we must not forget that they are also trees whose growth has been atrophied. So even if they are very nice to wear, they are synonymous with reduction and slow growth, thus proving absolutely terrible for the flow of energy flowing in your home. It is better to take them out in your garden.

5 Plants That Bring Negative Energy At Home

Cactuses are a good symbol of strength and resilience and are not a problem when placed outdoors. However, as soon as you expose them directly to your daily living space, their thorns can generate a significant blockage of energy.

If you put them in your bedroom, you are likely to suffer from a disturbed and interrupted sleep. In the living room, the cactus can cause the creation of conflicts within relations.

5 Plants That Bring Negative Energy At Home

Despite their beautiful appearance that adds a nice decorative touch to your interior, these flowers are often synonymous with loneliness and introspection and can lead to the isolation of the inhabitants of the house. They greatly affect the energy balance of the home and can create tension.

5 Plants That Bring Negative Energy At Home

While it is interesting to have agave in your garden to benefit greatly from its medicinal properties, it is also strongly discouraged to expose it indoors so as not to be influenced by its undesirable energies. It is the same for all the plants with pointed, hard and pungent leaves.

5 Plants That Bring Negative Energy At Home

Tillandsia L
Just like for agave, it is recommended according to the teachings of Feng Shui to keep this plant out of reach of your home because it releases a lot of negative energies, repels visitors and promotes isolation.

Here are some Feng Shui tips for managing your plants:

- Make sure to always test several positions for your plants at home to determine the best possible location according to the rules
  Feng shui.

- Thorny related plants (with the exception of the rose) are all to be banned from the house.

- Always expose your plants to a source of natural light

- Placing them in a long corridor would help slow down the flow of energy

- To arrange them in a recess allows to reinvigorate all the stagnant energies.

- One to three plants per room is largely sufficient depending on the size of the room.

- It is important to ensure good air quality and exposure to light

- It is very important to acquire healthy plants before disposing of them at home