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5 Good Reasons To Eat One Banana A Day

5 Good Reasons To Eat One Banana A Day

When you choose your food in a slimming process, we do not think in priority to the banana. Of reputation too caloric and too sweet, it is left aside to favor other fruits recognized detoxifying. However, bananas can be a real slimming ally if you know how to consume it to reap the full benefits.

Contrary to popular belief, bananas do not make you fat! Naturally sweet, it is appreciated by many people who avoid consuming it on the pretext that it is full of calories. But what you may not know is that this fruit is rich in nutrients that can promote weight loss. Indeed, bananas provide the body with essential vitamins and minerals to function in the best possible way. If you love sweet foods, know that you no longer have to deprive yourself of this delicious fruit to keep the line.

Discover 5 things banana does to your body:

1- Banana promotes satiety
A medium sized banana contains about 12% of the recommended daily fiber intake. Rich in pectin, banana can be consumed as part of a slimming diet. It allows people to feel full for a long time and reduce the amount of food consumed during the day. According to one study, fiber consumption plays an important role in a weight loss approach. It helps reduce excess fat and reduce the energy intake responsible for weight gain.

2- Banana helps to fight against sugar cravings
Banana contains three types of natural sugar: sucrose, fructose and glucose. Easily assimilated by the body, these sugars calm the mind and offer satisfaction to the brain. In general, when we are stressed or depressed, we tend to turn to sugary foods such as ice cream or chocolate to feel better. Well, know that banana acts effectively to fight against these cravings. Rich in magnesium and vitamin B6, banana allows the brain to secrete dopamine and serotonin, the hormones of well-being and pleasure. In addition, this fruit contains a good amount of tryptophan. According to one study, the latter plays an important role in improving mood and increasing productivity.

3- Banana gives energy
The banana provides the body with simple carbohydrates that are quickly assimilated by the body. Ideal for athletes, this fruit is a source of considerable energy. In a study of cyclists, it would appear that bananas performed as well during exercise as energy drinks. Its richness in vitamins and minerals helps boost the body and optimize physical activity.

4- Banana improves intestinal transit
Banana contains resistant starch, a complex sugar that induces fermentation of bacteria in the gut and promotes the absorption of liquids. It fights constipation and fights against bloating. According to an article published by the scientific journal Advances in Nutrition, the consumption of foods containing resistant starch improves intestinal transit and eliminate body fat.

5- Banana protects the heart
Banana is an excellent source of potassium, a mineral that preserves heart health and regulates blood pressure. Scientific research indicates that a sufficient intake of potassium helps prevent strokes and the risk of heart attack. In addition, banana contains magnesium. According to one study, magnesium helps regulate blood pressure.

Additional tips to slim down by eating bananas.

Eat a banana with a glass of water to promote a feeling of fullness in the body.

Have a balanced diet while respecting the famous saying "eat like a king in the morning, like a prince at noon and like a poor evening"
  • Choose fruits and vegetables of biological origin
  • Avoid starchy foods in the evening
  • Opt for low-fat proteins such as fish and chicken.
  • Do not eat bananas after 18 hours to avoid fat storage
  • Exercise 3 to 4 times a week
  • Drink enough water during the day to fill the false feelings of hunger

Warnings :
- It is not recommended to consume large quantities of bananas if you are diabetic.

Banana is also to be avoided if you are allergic to latex. If in doubt, do not hesitate to consult a medical opinion.
5 Good Reasons To Eat One Banana A Day