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The Shape Of Your Eyes Reveals Fascinating Information About Your Personality

The Shape Of Your Eyes Reveals Fascinating Information About Your Personality

Psychomorphology is the study of physical characteristics and their impact on the psychology of the subject. According to this discipline, a person with a broad forehead can be more spiritual. A person with high cheekbones puts his emotional life first. Will you be ready for this test? Just look at your eyes. Their shape could affect your temperament and reveal new aspects of your personality. We tell you more in our psycho point.

According to the defenders of psychomorphology, our physical traits can be decisive for analyzing the personality of an individual. Whether it is a voluntary chin or a luscious mouth, our face could say a lot about our qualities and our flaws. The eyes, mirrors of the soul, are not left behind. The shape of these will reveal surprising things about your personality. Do you recognize yourself in this description?

Shape Of Your Eyes

The Size
- If your eyes are big, it's a safe bet that you are a passionate and open person. Your increased emotional intelligence makes you more available to your loved ones, who will gladly ask you when they question you. Attentive and caring, you are a sincere and generous friend.

-If your eyes are small, there is a good chance that you fit a brain personality. Fervent defender of rationality, you instill a distance with your emotions. Your increased sense of analysis will be useful for solving complex and delicate situations.

The Form
- If your eyes are almond, you are someone reserved and mysterious. It is difficult to pierce your shell because you tend to be suspicious. Quiet, you only let your emotions show through if you feel safe.

- If your eyes are round, you are probably impulsive and imaginative. Your artistic fiber leads you to explore innovative and avant-garde ideas. Your loved ones can suffer from your frequent mood swings. You will gain more distance with your emotions.

The Distance
- If your eyes are removed, you probably have a keen interest in history and civilizations. Your attachment to traditions sometimes makes you reluctant to change. Structure, discipline, rigor, all values ​​that animate you and that you do not hesitate to share at the slightest opportunity.

- If your eyes are close together, you are adventurous and passionate. Constantly in search of new adventures, you do not get used to a dull and routine existence. Your insatiable curiosity of men leads you to change your environment often.

The Depth
- If your eyes are prominent, you are certainly friendly and playful. Your sociability encourages you to interact with many people. Solitude? Too little for you. You favor the company, leaving you feeling unhappy.

- If your eyes are deep, chances are you're romantic. Your idealism sometimes leads you to bitter disappointments. You will gain to widen your horizons so as not to be sclerotic by your high demands.

The Inclination
- If your eyes are tilted upwards, you are certainly very ambitious. A strong advocate of optimism, you transcend your obstacles by turning them into opportunities. Your sense of leadership allows you to unite the troops towards a common vision.

- If your eyes are tilted down, you are reserved and introverted. Rather naïve, you tend to be vulnerable to betrayal. Your natural candor exposes you to malicious people. You will gain from learning the necessary lessons from your disappointments.