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7 Things That Happen In Your Body If You Eat A Cucumber A Day

7 Things That Happen In Your Body If You Eat A Cucumber A Day

From the cucurbitaceae family, cucumber is a fruit with many virtues. Presumably born in India, it would have spread in China, through the Middle East, Egypt, Jerusalem and Rome to land in the court of Louis XIV where he would have democratized to integrate the largest cookbooks. Indeed, the famous cousin of the zucchini is distinguished by its freshness and crispiness that tantalize our taste buds while bringing a myriad of benefits to our health.

Indeed important intergenerational differences, especially among young people who are victims of a sustained urban lifestyle, leaving little room for the preparation of varied and nutritious foods. The industrial dishes that abound on supermarket shelves and free young workers from the "chore" of cooking after a long day of work. Indeed, between pizzas, quiches and other pre-cooked meals, the generation Y commonly called "millennials" are leaning more and more towards ease, wrongly, because they are not aware of thousands of equally simple alternatives and most importantly, much healthier for the body to prepare good meals.

Avash you in front of your television or trapped in the office between meetings, it is quite possible to integrate healthy foods into your routine, starting with the cucumber that can be consumed in salad, juice, appetizers and even gaspacho for the most creative of you. Rich in virtues for health, it brings you many benefits in everyday life while bringing you closer to the health goal advocated by the PNNS.

Here are 7 things that happen to your body by eating a cucumber a day:

1. You protect your body from oxidation
Cucumber contains phenolic compounds with antioxidant action. By incorporating it into your meals, you have an additional weapon to fight against the harmful effect of free radicals leading to oxidative stress and premature cell aging.

2. You promote hydration
Beyond the taste and flavor it brings to your drinks, cucumber promotes the body's continuous hydration thanks to its high water content (95%). In addition, its consumption allows the body to eliminate waste more easily and better assimilate nutrients.

3. You protect your bones
This fruit contains vitamin K for good blood clotting, in addition to its role in ensuring good bone health. Indeed, this fat-soluble vitamin would act positively on the amount of calcium present in the body, a key component to maintain a good bone constitution.

4. You improve the appearance of your skin
Moisturizing and antioxidant, cucumber is used both in topical application and in the kitchen to bring you its beauty benefits. Indeed, it contains a good dose of vitamin C, the equivalent of 10.31% Nutritional Reference Values ​​(NRV), allowing you to fight against free radicals responsible for a dull complexion and skin imperfections.

5. You promote weight loss
If you want to accompany your movie nights with a healthy snack, there's nothing like cucumber to watch your line! Indeed, this fruit rich in water contains only 16 kcal per 100g, a considerable advantage for those who want to nibble in front of their TV without having to worry about the extra pounds. As part of a diet, its pectin content is a major ally because according to a study, it would promote satiety in overweight individuals.

6. You're full of vitamins
Cucumber is naturally low in calories due to its low fat and carbohydrate content. However, it contains good doses of vitamin C, potassium, calcium and phosphorus. As many nutrients beneficial to the immune system, the framework or the dentition.

7. You protect your heart
It is not without reason that the PNNS advocates a goal of 5 fruits and vegetables per day. Indeed, the riches of Mother Nature are essential to maintain good health and ensure a good dose of vitamins, minerals and antioxidants. So it's no surprise that cucumber joins the ranks of these allies that you should take advantage of, especially because of its potassium content that reduces the risk of heart disease and regulates blood pressure.

Cucumber A Day