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6 Tips For Cardiologists If You Have Trouble Losing Weight

6 Tips For Cardiologists If You Have Trouble Losing Weight

To guard against cardiovascular disease while promoting weight loss, it is essential to establish healthy eating habits. Diet is a key factor in preventing aggravating factors such as cholesterol, hypertension or arterial disorders.

Cardiologists recommend 6 dietary provisions to promote good health on a daily basis. We tell you more about our medicine.

To maintain your daily health, it is essential to establish eating habits adapted to your needs. These tips will also help relieve you if you are overweight. By scrupulously following these 5 recommendations, you will maintain the health of your cardiovascular system while eliminating the risk of overweight.

A minimum of 5 fruits and vegetables a day
To take advantage of all the nutrients essential to the functioning of your body, it is essential to consume fruits and vegetables in quantity. This dietary habit will allow you to stock up on antioxidants. These molecules slow cell aging and the proliferation of free radicals, often responsible for the appearance of diseases.

Choose cereals and legumes
Rich in fiber, cereals and legumes act by quickly causing the sensation of satiety, essential to withstand daily cravings. In addition, they act by regulating insulin in the blood, gastrointestinal flora and lowering cholesterol. A convincing reason to accompany your dishes with lentils or peas.

Reduce your salt intake
To guard against cardiovascular diseases, it is essential to limit salt intake. This mineral, often present in large quantities in prepared dishes, is not without danger to health. Eating too much salt can lead to an increase in blood pressure, a mechanism that can undermine cardiovascular health. Having a light hand on salt is therefore a wise habit to take care of your body.

Focus on low glycemic index foods
By learning about the glycemic index of the foods you eat, you participate actively in your weight loss and the functioning of your body. If the glycemic index of a food is greater than 70, it is considered high and will have the effect of briefly appeasing hunger. A food with a low glycemic index (less than 55) satisfies hunger in a slower but more sustainable way. Apples, tomatoes, whole pasta, all foods with low glycemic index that you can prioritize in your diet.

Choose the right fat
Fat is not necessarily synonymous with weight gain or danger to one's cardiovascular health. Used judiciously, it can even be beneficial for the body. It is simply a question of distinguishing between good and bad fats. Choose foods rich in monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fatty acids such as salmon, vegetable oils, flaxseed or avocado. These have a protective effect on the cardiovascular system as well as metabolism. Saturated fats, on the other hand, can create a fertile ground for cardiovascular diseases because they increase the level of bad cholesterol (LDL) in the body.

Practice a sporting activity
Whether it is an activity practiced alone or in a group, sport is undoubtedly the best habit to adopt to preserve one's health. According to this study, people who regularly engage in physical activity are less likely to experience cardiac arrest; conclusions confirmed by Dr. Guillo, a cardiologist in Rennes who recommends sporting activity to improve the quality of life. It also burns calories in the day and promotes well-being. The World Health Organization (WHO) recommends 150 minutes of physical activity per week.
Losing Weight