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Here's Why You Should Put A Lemon Next To Your Bed

Here's Why You Should Put A Lemon Next To Your Bed

If you are interested in nutrition, the benefits of lemon may not have escaped you. It stimulates the immune system, as well as it remains a dietary ally and intestinal transit, as many benefits that can provide regular consumption of citrus. Did you know that you could enjoy its benefits by simply keeping the lemon tree fruit near your bed? We tell you more in our nutrition section.

Fearful shield of the liver, natural cure of the cold, the benefits of the lemon are not any more to prove. Considered a medicine, it is an essential citrus for your health and well-being. Many of us ignore a last trick.

Keeping lemon slices close to you during our sleep allows us to enjoy several health benefits. Lighting.

Lemon, to improve your concentration
Thanks to the presence of monoterpene and sesquiterpene, molecules emanating from citrus fruit, lemon is a natural remedy that is perfect for improving our cognitive abilities such as memory or concentration. So many reasons to place more regularly citrus on our bedside table.

Lemon, to improve the mood
The smell of lemon could be at the origin of an increase in the rate of monoaminergic neurotransmitters, substances potentially annihilating depression. The smell of citrus acts by improving the mood through the secretion of dopamine and serotonin.

Lemon, to clean the atmosphere
Monoterpenes present in lemon act by fighting the body against germs and microbes. Placing lemon pieces in the room is a good habit to clean up the atmosphere. Subtly deodorant, citrus can fight against stubborn odors such as household products or tobacco.

Lemon, a regulator of the natural mood
Aromatherapy is an alternative method of care using odors to fight against various health problems and promote well-being. According to this study published in Physiology and Behavior, the citrus odor acts by regulating the heart rate and blood pressure thus promoting the state of relaxation. This process also makes it easier to fall asleep and fight stress.

Lemon, to keep mosquitoes away
Like lemongrass, citrus fruit works by repelling mosquitoes with its scent. To decorate its bedside table with slices of the citrus fruit is thus advisable to spend a quiet night.

How to take advantage of this trick?
To enjoy all these benefits on your health and well-being, arm yourself wi d, Diet,  th 3 to 4 lemons. Cut into slices and place in a large bowl such as a bowl or bowl. This habit will allow you to dramatically change your quality of life. Quiet nights, a purified atmosphere, a feeling of relaxation, so many benefits that you can enjoy by instituting this ritual at least once a week. To enjoy these benefits during the day, you can soak a handkerchief a few drops of lemon essential oil and feel it to relieve stress. As a reminder, the product must not come into contact with mucous membranes, eyes and skin.
Lemon Next To Your Bed