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That's Why You Should Consume The Lemon And Baking Soda Mixture Every Morning

That's Why You Should Consume The Lemon And Baking Soda Mixture Every Morning

Health experts are constantly praising the benefits of lemon. It is considered a superfood because of the many virtues it can confer on your health. Mixed with sodium bicarbonate, it is a true elixir of longevity.

Discover all the benefits of this drink for your health.
In everyday life, we can face many evils. Thus, drugs and other pharmaceutical products become our first reflex to take care of our health. Yet, there are natural recipes that can protect you from several disorders that could affect your health. This remedy is made from a judicious blend of two ingredients with powerful properties, namely lemon and baking soda.

Lemon will be of great help if you suffer from digestive disorders. It contains, among other things, important fibers for your digestive system such as pectin. This fiber promotes the proper functioning of your intestinal flora, ensures better assimilation of nutrients and accelerates the metabolism of lipids in addition to encouraging the synthesis of intestinal hormones necessary to maintain the state of your digestive organs. If winter worries you about different viral diseases that you can suffer, the lemon is there to protect you. It is useful in case of viral infections such as colds and flu, since the vitamin C contained in it helps strengthen your immune system.

However, if your main concern is weight loss, then the polyphenols in the lemon will be of great help to you. As for vitamin C, it promotes the synthesis of noradrenaline, a neurotransmitter that limits the storage of fat.

This citrus fruit is also known for its virtuous role of protecting against the risk factors of cardiovascular diseases. Indeed, lemon is rich in trace elements, including potassium, which gives you real protection against cardiovascular disease with minimal risk of stroke. In addition, it helps to regulate the level of cholesterol, which is one of the main risk factors for the development of cardiovascular diseases.

Baking soda
Heartburn is a fairly common health problem. Sodium bicarbonate can help you neutralize the acidity of your stomach. It is also useful in treating kidney stones by reducing the concentration of calcium oxalates that are responsible for their formation.

  • 2 lemons, of biological origin
  • 1 tablespoon baking soda
  • 1 liter of water

Start by harvesting the juice of the lemons with the zest and mix it with baking soda until you obtain a homogeneous texture. Then mix everything in the water and keep it cool. You can do a short cure of one week with this mixture, with a drink in the morning, preferably on an empty stomach.

It is not recommended to take lemon in case of burns or stomach ulcers.

We advise you to seek the advice of your doctor before taking this course.
Lemon And Baking Soda