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A Doctor Shares Her Great Lemon Recipe To Lose Weight, Deflate Belly And Reduce Inflammation

A Doctor Shares Her Great Lemon Recipe To Lose Weight, Deflate Belly And Reduce Inflammation

There may be different motivations behind the desire to lose weight. This may be for your general health or to improve your physical appearance. The only difficulty, however, is finding the most effective way to get there. With this new morning routine that advises Dr. Jill Carnahan, famed American doctor, you will finally reach your goals in addition to relieving pain of inflammatory origin.

Many people have little appetite in the morning and find it difficult to assimilate the first foods of the day. They end up bypassing breakfast, which is still an important meal to restore the energy of your body. What if instead of spending the morning on an empty stomach, you could consume an easy-to-prepare drink that will help you lose weight while maintaining your overall health?

Benefits of lemon

Rich in fiber
Lemon is a non-negligible source of fiber, the most important of which is pectin. The fibers give you satiety, which will save you the feeling of an empty stomach in the middle of the morning. Pectin is a soluble fiber that promotes the proper functioning of your intestinal flora as well as the metabolism of lipids and the synthesis of intestinal hormones necessary for the proper functioning of the digestive organs. It is mainly contained in its zest.

In addition, lemon contains antioxidants, mainly polyphenols. They help to limit weight gain and fat accumulation in your body. Namely that it provides you with 74% of your daily intake of vitamin C, a nutrient necessary for the synthesis of norepinephrine. The latter is a neurotransmitter whose role is to limit the storage of fat.

Anti stress
One of the overweight factors that you tend to overlook is stress. Lemon, rich in vitamin C, promotes the synthesis of cortisol, commonly called stress hormone. In other words, cortisol is released into your body when you endure a stressful situation.

Following an agonizing episode, the level of cortisol remains high for a longer period. Its main role is to provide energy to your body by stimulating the metabolism of lipids and carbohydrates. It also promotes the secretion of insulin, which increases the glycemic rate. This results in an increase in appetite and therefore weight gain.

Cortisol also affects the breakdown of fat in your body and promotes their storage in the abdominal region. If you are looking for an answer to the fact that you can not have a flat stomach, then your stress is an evidence to consider.

Weight loss is not the only virtue of lemon. If you suffer from inflammatory pain, particularly in your joints, this citrus fruit is a precious food for your case. It has indeed anti-inflammatory properties that will relieve you. This is mainly due to its polyphenol content.

Benefits of chia seeds
Along with lemon, chia seeds are the new trend in health and slimming tips. They are a valuable ally because their richness in soluble fiber increases satiety, allows you to reduce the amount of food eaten and therefore leads to weight loss. In addition, their consumption in a study would have led to a decrease in body weight and a reduction in waist circumference among participants.

They can also significantly lower the concentration of LDL cholesterol in the blood. In addition to this, they have excellent anti-inflammatory properties.

Benefits of honey
Honey has been used as a remedy for many ailments for many centuries. As the first sugar substitute, honey has a positive effect on maintaining your weight and reducing the concentration of fat present in the body. It is also rich in flavonoids and phenolic acids with antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties.

How to prepare your drink?

  • The juice of half a lemon with its zest, preferably organic
  • A tablespoon of chia seeds
  • A teaspoon of honey
  • 1 glass of water

Put the chia seeds in the water and let them sit for two hours. The seeds should gel after a while. Filter the water and add the honey and lemon. Finally, mix everything for a few minutes, then drink your preparation in the morning.

It is not recommended to consume lemon in case of biliary disorders, burns or stomach ulcers, and in case of citrus allergies.

Chia seeds are not recommended for people who have or are likely to have prostate cancer.

Remember that before consuming any natural remedy, medical advice is essential to assess your health.
Lemon Recipe To Lose Weight, Deflate Belly And Reduce Inflammation