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Tell Me Which Feather You Like And I Will Tell You A Secret About Your Personality

Tell Me Which Feather You Like And I Will Tell You A Secret About Your Personality

We often tend to think that chance determines our choices. Yet they are influenced by our paradigms and life experiences. Look at this picture and choose one of the feathers by trusting your instincts. Your choice could reveal beautiful things about your personality. Would you recognize yourself in this description? We tell you more in our psycho point.

You have probably already been tested in Rorschach. These formless ink tasks have long been the tool of therapists to probe the personality of patients. This test responds to the same principle. It's about choosing one of these feathers instinctively. The resulting result may surprise you.


Feather n ° 1:
If you chose feather n ° 1, chances are you'll be inspired by harmony and well-being. Driven by values ​​of sharing and solidarity, you are committed to helping others and supporting them on a daily basis. Sociable and enthusiastic, you like to be surrounded by idealistic people who help to improve the human condition. Your natural candor constantly pushes you to see the good side in others. Voluntary and charitable, you maintain strong emotional ties based on altruism and generosity. Your weak point? Your naivety can sometimes cause you bitter disappointments.

Feather n ° 2
If you chose feather n ° 2, it's a safe bet that you are curious and self-taught. Constantly on the lookout for adventures, you do not get used to a dull and routine existence. Demanding and hardworking, you can overcome obstacles by turning them into opportunities. Endowed with an extraordinary sense of leadership, you manage to federate the troops in the accomplishment of a common vision. Only downside: your lack of confidence makes you constantly doubt your skills.

Feather n ° 3
If, instinctively, you have been attracted by the 3rd feather, it is very likely that you are independent. You want to be constantly stimulated intellectually. Determined and wise, you are aware that the obstacles of everyday life reinforce you. A true source of inspiration for those around you, you are asked for your advice in conflict resolution. Your weak point? Your impulsiveness. You will gain more distance with your emotions by letting go.

Feather n ° 4:
Persevering and determined, you never bow to obstacles. Your boundless imagination allows you to transcend difficulties with disconcerting mastery. Lively and enthusiastic, you like to be surrounded by people who share your passions. Your tenacity is a great asset to achieve your goals and overcome difficulties. However, your high demands on yourself prevent you from savoring your victories.

Feather n ° 5:
If you have chosen the 5th feather, chances are you'll be endowed with an extraordinary artistic fiber. Imaginative and sensitive, you like to take refuge in a world where calm and voluptuousness reign. Your taciturn airs often translate a feeling of being misunderstood by those around you. Your lack of confidence often pushes you to deploy self-sabotaging mechanisms. Your exacerbated sensitivity can cause misunderstandings with your loved ones.