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A New Lung Disease Has Just Appeared Because Of The Electronic Cigarette

A New Lung Disease Has Just Appeared Because Of The Electronic Cigarette

Vaping seemed to be a good alternative to smoking. As a result, e-cigarettes have been very successful in recent years, particularly in the United States. While many Americans start to e-cigarette, the health authorities are alarmed. Indeed, in an article relayed by The Washington Post, it seems that a mysterious epidemic related to vaping circulates and causes multiple deaths.

Electronic cigarettes are the subject of many questions in the United States. Indeed, the US health authorities announced Friday, September 7, the death of a fifth person after a mysterious lung disease. 

In addition, 450 cases of people with respiratory difficulties have been identified since last April. Most of the patients were young, about 19 years old and were in good health. Their common point? They used electronic cigarettes. In several states - Los Angeles, Illinois, Oregon, Minnesota, and Indiana - health authorities announce deaths after "long and complicated hospitalizations."

84% of patients admitted to using a liquid based on THC, the active molecule of cannabis. It appears that vitamin E, a substance in a type of liquid sold in contraband to fill electronic cigarettes, may also be related to this condition.

According to the doctors, they had similar symptoms, including coughing, chest pain or unwanted shortness of breath. Thus, the patients were hospitalized for several weeks.

Medical examinations indicated the presence of abnormal immune cells in the lungs of patients. Thus, this might suggest the diagnosis of a rare condition called lipoid pneumonia. According to Daniel Fox, a pulmonologist in the intensive care unit at WakeMed Health and Hospitals, "this can happen when oils or lipid-containing substances enter the lungs. "

While the exact cause of this disease is still being researched, Jennifer Layden, chief medical officer at the Illinois Department of Health, says this is a new phenomenon.

The electronic cigarette, more harmful than tobacco?

If we decide to take the plunge and stop smoking, it is certainly not to consume a more harmful substance. According to an article published by Harvard Medical School, smoking is the leading cause of death in the United States. In fact, cigarette smoke increases the risk of stroke, heart attack, diabetes and life-threatening diseases. In addition, the free radicals present in this product accelerate the aging of all organs. The main component that promotes the development of serious pathologies is tar. According to one study, smoking increases the risk of cardiovascular disease, lung cancer, infertility and many respiratory diseases.

Although the electronic cigarette does not contain tar, it nevertheless contains a liquid composed of aromas. Often, there is also nicotine and a chemical called diacetyl. Nicotine is addictive and can lead to brain disorders ranging from attention deficit to certain impulsive behaviors. Diacetyl directly attacks the respiratory tract and can cause a rare disease, bronchiolitis obliterans.

According to scientific research, some electronic cigarettes contain a significant amount of aerosol. These particles can cause pulmonary inflammation and lead to sometimes fatal respiratory diseases.

Some tips help stop smoking without using an electronic cigarette

To quit smoking, you need a good dose of motivation and a steel mind.

If you really want to take care of your health and banish this annoying habit, here are some tips to put in place:

- Get rid of all your packages, your cigarettes, your lighters and your ashtrays.

- Talk about your decision to those around you for support.

- Accept to feel lack and suffer in certain moments. But trust yourself and know that over time you will only feel better.

- The desire to smoke usually does not last more than 5 minutes. Do something that makes you happy to distract when you feel it.

- Avoid places where people smoke and ask your loved ones not to smoke near you.

- Do physical exercises and enjoyable activities to not feel the lack.
Electronic Cigarette