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6 Secrets You Should Know About Left-handed Personality

6 Secrets You Should Know About Left-handed Personality

Right-handed people represent a large majority of the world's population. Even if the motor skills of the hand is not the first detail you could notice in a person, it is always surprising to know that a person favors the use of his left hand. However, be aware that this not only reflects the singularity of a southpaw, but can reveal several traits of his personality.

Around 9 out of 10 people in the world are right-handed, and even appear clumsy when using their left hand. At the level of the human brain, there are two almost symmetrical hemispheres. This asymmetry actually denotes the inequality of the involvement of the right and left hemispheres in mental functions. Indeed, some brain functions are controlled by one hemisphere and not by the other. Motricity and language are lateralized functions, that is, they are controlled by one hemisphere more than the other. 

Thus right-handed people have motor skills controlled by the left hemisphere, and vice versa for left-handed people. But the human brain is a real mystery, this is not quite right. There are also ambidextrous people who are as skilled with one hand as the other. But if you're left-handed, here are 6 secrets about your personality.

Are you an artist
It is common to say that a southpaw is more creative and has an artistic spirit, and that's not entirely false. As our colleagues at The Independent report, Dr. Alan Searleman of Lawrence University, says according to his research, left-handed people would be more creative and have more verve. This is the reason why they often turn to music, art and literature.

Your mother may have had a more stressful pregnancy
Pregnancy can be a stressful time because of all of my hormonal, physical, and psychological changes that a woman can undergo. Research conducted by the University of Durham, argues that a mother who has experienced a period of stressful pregnancy, would be more likely to give birth to a left-handed baby.

You have an advantage in sport
In sports such as basketball or baseball, left-handers have always managed to win against right-handers, and make formidable opponents. Indeed, a left-handed shot would have a surprise effect in face-to-face sports, which would give a large advantage to left-handers.

You would be less affected by joint pain
With age, joint pain is a particularly disabling challenge in everyday life. It is true that the hemisphere that controls the motor skills of your hand, does not impact your behavior as much, but it turns out to be a blessing for you and your joints. According to one study, left-handed people are less likely to suffer from joint pain.

You are more affected by fear
Your reaction to fear is a key element in exploring your personality. Left-handers are often governed by the right hemisphere. This is the reason why they feel the emotions more intensely, this hemisphere being connected to the sensory channels. So if you are the member of your group who succumbs to fear most quickly, your left hand may be for something.

You hear the sounds differently
Surprisingly, the dominant side of your body influences the way you hear sounds. A study from Georgetown University provided some answers. Indeed, Dr. Peter E. Turkeltaub, principal investigator of the study explains that when listening to the speech of a candidate in the presidential election for example, well, according to that one holds up the flag of the hand right or left hand, the perception of the speech will be different.
Left-handed Personality