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13 Weight Watchers Tips To Lose Weight Quickly And Healthily

13 Weight Watchers Tips To Lose Weight Quickly And Healthily

The Weight Watchers diet is a fairly popular weight loss program and recognized by dieticians as an effective and sustainable method for losing weight. It was born in 1963 in the United States, thanks to an American who could not get rid of her excess weight and who had the idea to gather all the people in the same situation, in order to exchanging and motivating oneself to achieve optimal health weight. Hence the creation of Weight Watchers, whose keystone remains, the meeting of participants for the purpose of support and mutual assistance, with the help of sound advice.

This type of diet is considered by health authorities as balanced and effective, compared to other methods of weight loss, not recommended by specialists, which most often present health risks. And for good reason, they induce adverse effects on the proper functioning of the body, especially in terms of the health of bones, heart and kidneys, not to mention the yoyo effect they could generate.

Thus, in the context of weight loss, Weight Watchers provides valuable and powerful advice to the supporters of this program, to carry out their efforts in the weight lose process.

Weight Watchers

Here are the main tips of weight watchers diet

1- Stay hydrated
Hydration is essential as part of a weight loss diet. Indeed, it is a habit that must be adopted in his daily life to drain and detoxify his body. To corroborate this fact, a study by the Oakland Research Institute found that drinking water is correlated with weight loss in a slimming diet.

2- Take snacks
In case of snacks between meals, it is advisable to take snacks, provided that they are healthy without fat and no added sugar. A fruit may very well be suitable as well as nuts or almonds. These will have a satiating effect while waiting for the next meal.

3- Consume herbs
In addition to adding flavor to foods, herbs and spices are low in calories. Some herbs have the role of reducing stress which has the effect of contributing to weight loss. As this study specifies, whether it is fennel, licorice, chamomile or lemon balm, herbs can complete the diet and contribute to weight loss by reducing stress, improvement of gastric function and stimulation of metabolism.

4- Cut out foods
Cutting your food into small pieces allows you to take more time to eat and thereby induce faster satiation.

5- Make sure you have provisions at home
In order not to give in to the temptation of takeaway food, it is essential to stock up on enough food to eat at home.

6- Have fun but in moderation
Give in to her cute little wick, as the craving for a chocolate is understandable. The whole thing is knowing how to dose and not go to excess which can be harmful for the weight. This advice is also valid for sauces or for dessert. Just know how to dose the portion to consume and why not, skip the afternoon snack and do more physical exercise to burn the calories ingested the little treat of noon.

7- Focus on your food
To eat poorly and well, it is important to move away from all the means of distraction such as television, radio or the phone that induce to eat blindly in excess, thereby inducing weight gain.

8- Gradually integrate fruits and vegetables
For those who do not have the cultivation of fruits and vegetables in their diet, it is advisable to add vegetables gradually in the main course or fruits in the morning cereal bowl.

9. Identify high caloric dishes
The gratins, pasta carbonara or other dishes consistent and fat, are highly caloric and are to consume with great moderation.

10- Prepare your own meal
By taking your own home-cooked meal to work, you control the portion you need, unlike the food you eat at restaurants that often offer large rations without being healthy.

11- Learning to say no
It is important to impose limits on those who force you to eat anything and everything. You have the right to refuse a portion more, from your relatives or choose the restaurant that best fits your food needs.

12- To brush your teeth after each meal
This technique gives a signal to your brain that you have finished eating and so it will not require more food.

13- Store your supply cupboard and clothing
Get rid of food that is not healthy among your provisions. Similarly, store in your closet and put small sizes in front of your shelves. This trick will motivate you more to want to lose weight to be able to wear them one day.