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Doctors Are Allowed To Prescribe Cannabis Instead Of Drugs

Doctors Are Allowed To Prescribe Cannabis Instead Of Drugs

There are many psychotropic drugs in their natural state. Whether in the form of mushrooms, plants or even venoms, our ancestors have used these substances for various purposes, ranging from divination to simple recreational pleasure. In all ages man has consumed these substances, and ours is no exception. Today, some praise the effects of these products on our bodies and our health, the legalization of cannabis is therefore debate. Those who claim that a natural substance can not harm the human body while others compare the plant to a hard drug. The New York Post announced that in the state of Colorado anyway, the question has been decided: Doctors will be allowed to prescribe cannabis instead of painkillers.

Cannabis is the scientific name for hemp, a plant native to Asia. Hemp has been cultivated by humans since Neolithic times and has been used in textiles. Some varieties of this plant have psychotropic properties, including cannabis.

Prescribe Cannabis Instead Of Drugs

Cannabis to counter the opioid crisis
"In Colorado, every 9 hours a person dies of an opioid overdose," here is the statement of Colorado State Governor Jared Polis. A statement that is cold in the back, and a problem that affects the entire United States. Since 2000, nearly 300,000 Americans have died because of opioids.

The stake is therefore vital for the country of Uncle Sam, where the debate of the legalization of cannabis is raging. The state of Colorado is taking the lead in the hope of getting rid of the scourge of opioids by allowing doctors to prescribe cannabis instead of conventional painkillers.

Medicinal cannabis and its effects
The use of cannabis in the medical field would have a lot of potential. According to a study published in the scientific journal Drug, Healthcare and Patient Safety, cannabis is an interesting alternative for pain management or for people with epilepsy. Nevertheless, the study calls for the guarantee and the control of the assigned doses.

In fact, whether it is cannabis or any other psychotropic substance, consumption under medical supervision is essential. According to another study, overuse of cannabis would increase the risk of developing schizophrenia or other psychoses.

Cannabis could therefore possibly have health benefits for patients, but its use must be monitored and controlled, in order to avoid repeating the same mistakes that led to the opioid crisis.

Nevertheless, cannabis can only be prescribed if the patient has one of the following five disorders:

- Refractory neuropathic pain
- Severe epilepsy
- Pain due to multiple sclerosis
- Pathologies of the nervous system
- Patients with cancer who require palliative care.