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Two Glasses Of Soft Drink A Day Can Increase The Risk Of Death By 17%

Two Glasses Of Soft Drink A Day Can Increase The Risk Of Death By 17%

Used initially to mop up periods of excess, the consumption of soft drinks has steadily increased over the years. So-called "sodas" are non-alcoholic beverages that draw millions of consumers around the world every day. Nevertheless, studies have shown the dangerousness of these drinks or their "light" equivalent. According to a Dailymail article, consuming two or more drinks a day would increase the risk of premature death by 17%.

Also called "liquid sweets", these drinks can be very harmful to health and should be consumed in moderation. These are composed of carbon dioxide, water, artificial products and dyes, sometimes caffeine but especially of a lot of sugar, so many unhealthy substances for the body. Their over-consumption can eventually lead to high health risks or even increase the risk of premature death according to a study conducted by the Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA).

Soft Drink

Dangerous components
Many studies have proven the harm of these drinks and their possible correlation with the risk of premature death. Indeed, a study conducted between 2005 and 2011 on 47 Japanese prefectures has demonstrated that the consumption of soft drinks was linked to heart disease. And for good reason, in addition to harmful components such as dyes or artificial products, some soft drinks can contain up to more than 30 g of sugar per can, or 10 teaspoons of sugar. This significant amount of sugar can cause heart problems but also promote the risk of obesity, diabetes, hypertension in addition to dental health risks namely caries or the attack of tooth enamel because of the acids. they contain.

All of these reasons should normally be enough to slow down the overconsumption of these drinks. Yet the average North American would consume nearly 182 liters a year while Europeans are dangerously close to this amount. The NHS reportedly stated that 20% of the added sugar in the adult diet comes from soft drinks and fruit juices. The experts of the European Society of Cardiology in Paris strongly recommended to eliminate these drinks from our food and replace them with water, or to consume them in moderation while some countries like the United Kingdom have even advised to tax sweetened beverages to prevent overconsumption of sodas and health risks. Researchers at Oxford University have estimated that this tax that was introduced in April 2018 would have a 9.8% drop effect on childhood obesity.

Are light drinks a good alternative?

It is important to read the ingredients before eating a food. You will find that in soft drinks, sugar is present mainly because it appears at the beginning of the list. Nevertheless, more "dietary" alternatives appeared like the "lights" or "Zero" versions. This type of drinks can be just as dangerous as "normal" drinks. Sugar is actually replaced by chemicals such as aspartame or other sweeteners that are certainly low caloric, but whose effects are equally harmful especially for heart health.

These sodas sold in supermarkets can for example be replaced by sparkling water or sparkling water, mixed with fruit.