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10 Reasons Why You Can Not Lose Weight (Despite The Efforts)

10 Reasons Why You Can Not Lose Weight (Despite The Efforts)

Many people complain about their extra pounds and the accumulation of fat on certain parts of the body. Some say that despite all the good will they show on a daily basis, they can not lose weight. Repetitive regimes, guilt at the slightest gap and permanent frustration seem to be part of their lives. But as nothing happens by chance, if your pounds have accumulated over months or years, it's probably that you do not have a healthy lifestyle.

There are several reasons why, despite your best efforts, you can not reach your weight loss goal.

Physical and psychological brakes can come into play and exhaust your energy without reducing your extra fat. According to an article written by nutrition researcher Kris Gunnars, these 10 habits prevent you from losing weight:

Not Lose Weight

1- You do not eat enough protein
Proteins provide essential amino acids to support the metabolic functions of the body. In addition, proteins help maintain lean body mass and regulate appetite and weight. According to a study, proteins cause a thermogenesis phenomenon that allows the body to spend more energy at meals and therefore burn calories. In addition, proteins increase the feeling of fullness, reducing dietary intake and losing weight significantly.

2- You do not calculate properly the calories you ingest
Some people tend to underestimate the calories they absorb. Indeed, researchers have noticed that overweight and obese people do not adequately assess their dietary intake. Today several applications exist to help calculate calories consumed daily.

3- You do not play sports
A sedentary lifestyle often leads to fat storage. Indeed, when you do not do physical exercise, your metabolism may therefore expend less energy. One study shows that bodybuilding is an effective way to boost metabolism and promote weight loss. In addition, cardio exercises have also been proven to promote the elimination of body fat.

4- You drink sodas
Food in liquid form is undervalued by the brain. Thus, when solid foods are consumed, the feeling of satiety is perceived whereas when one drinks caloric drinks, one tends to underestimate their load. Researchers show that these drinks significantly increase calorie intake while disrupting satiety signals.

5- You do not sleep enough
A lack of sleep can lead to weight gain in the long term. In fact, people who have disturbed sleep or who do not sleep enough are likely to get fat. Sleep disorders deregulate the hormones responsible for hunger and satiety. For example, a study shows that chronic sleep deprivation leads to weight gain.

6- You consume too much carbohydrate
Carbohydrates can come from sweet products, fruits and starchy foods. If glucose is essential for giving the body energy, an excess of carbohydrates may be responsible for diabetes mellitus or considerable overweight. Indeed, scientific research says that diets low in carbohydrates are more effective than diets low in fat in terms of weight loss.

7- You do not drink enough water
Water is essential to hydrate all tissues of the body. Moreover, to lose weight, water proves to be a precious ally that makes it possible to fill the false sensations of hunger. Thus, a scientific experiment shows that sufficient hydration during a diet speeds up the process of weight loss.

8- You eat compulsively
You must have heard about mindfulness. This technique is extremely effective in weight management. In fact, people who concentrate when they eat and evaluate their physical and psychological feelings are more likely to lose weight.

9- You multiply the diets
According to the psychiatrist Gérard Apfeldorfer, author of "Lose weight, it's in the head", the diets cause a frustration that ends up sooner or later to make you fat. Indeed, dietary restriction can lead to considerable weight gain in the long term. Instead of multiplying diets, it is advisable to improve the quality of its daily diet to lose weight permanently.

10- You are addicted to food
Food addiction is a real pathology that is similar to drug addiction and can lead to overweight. According to scientific research, obese people can suffer neurological damage that causes them to consume certain foods compulsively. In fact, hyperphagie and bulimia are two diseases linked to this food addiction and require medical and psychological monitoring.