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Shape And Size Reveal Character And Personality According To An Anthropologist

Shape And Size Reveal Character And Personality According To An Anthropologist

Women are often victims of the diktats of society who want to subject them to a desire to achieve a perfect figure to match a "standard". However, this standard does not exist and is only the result of some editing on a software. In fact, the collective imagination has incorporated the idea that thinness is the rule, while each woman is unique and has a morphology that makes it perfect, just as it is. Also, if the body is as specific to each woman it is because it is representative of what it is. Thus, more than just measurements, your waistline can say a lot about your personality.

Morphopsychology is a pseudoscience that assumes that certain physical characteristics can reveal unconscious traits in the personality of individuals. Thus, it seems that the shape, size and general appearance of a person can reveal his true character.

According to anthropologist Elizabeth Cashdan of the University of Utah, women's waistlines can tell a lot about their personality. Indeed, the hormones involved in the storage of fat in the abdomen may reveal some character traits in the female.

Shape And Size Reveal Character And Personality

Round women are more perfectionists than others

Contrary to popular belief, thin women are not the ones who have the most benefit. Indeed, the anthropologist Elizabeth Cashdan indicates that those who have a larger waist are more competitive and more able to cope with stressful situations. In fact, the hormones that cause excess weight on the hips and on the stomach are triggered by a high level of stress due to the responsibilities of daily life.

What is the link between size and personality?

According to the study, most women have a waist / hip ratio greater than 0.7. For the anthropologist, these results show that hormones play a key role in the distribution of fats. Androgens, for example, increase the size / hips ratio. These hormones include testosterone, the male hormone that represents strength and fighting spirit. Thus, if the body produces a lot of androgens, it means that the woman is stronger and more enduring.

In addition, cortisol, a stress hormone, also causes the fat to be stored in the abdomen. Thus, women who are overweight on this area of ​​the body submit to daily pressure.

How to calculate hips / height ratio?
To know your ratio, Elisabeth Cashdan advises to measure the size and hips by performing the calculation as follows:

- If your waist is 59 centimeters and your hips is 90 centimeters, then your ratio will be 59/90 = 0.65. According to the anthropologist, this means that the woman is reliable and trustworthy.

- If your waist is 90 centimeters and your hips measure 119 centimeters, then your ratio will be 90/119 = 0.75. Cashdan says this ratio is unique to gentle, generous and caring women.

- If your waist is 99 centimeters and your hips measure 99 centimeters also, your ratio will be 1. According to the anthropologist, this very high ratio means that the woman is strong, perfectionist and that she hard to succeed what she undertakes.

Is there really a "better" ratio?
As you will have understood, this question does not admit one but several answers. Every man has his feminine ideal and every woman wants to have a singular silhouette. But in reality, to please someone, one must first become aware of its strengths, its value and its singularity. Thus, by loving oneself, one exercises a natural power of attraction. So instead of trying to take or lose weight, instead of finding faults all over, try to love yourself a bit more each day.