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Sleeping Less Than 7 Hours A Night Has A Serious Impact On Our Body:

Sleeping Less Than 7 Hours A Night Has A Serious Impact On Our Body:

In Greek mythology, sleep is associated with momentary death. The awakening is therefore logically associated with renewal and regeneration. Hypnos, the Greek god of sleep, is thus the twin brother of Thanatos, the Greek god of death. The Greek symbolism of sleep is a very interesting analysis. The idea is to conceive sleep as a total relaxation of the body. The soul is thus free to be able to rise from its carnal attachment, and to feel the embrace of Morpheus, Goddess of dreams.

It is obvious, sleep is absolutely necessary to the rest of the body. Nevertheless, being aware of this evidence is not always enough to fall asleep. On the contrary, it could even bring some stress that would make us even more insomniac. Discover in this article the consequences of lack of sleep on your body, and some tips to follow to prevent insomnia.

Sleeping Less Than 7 Hours

The effects of lack of sleep on mood

We all experienced the effects of a short night: bad mood, lack of concentration, slow physical. According to a study published in the scientific journal Cureus, lack of sleep could predispose us to mood swings and anger. According to another study, lack of sleep could also affect our short-term memory.

The quality of our work is thus negatively impacted by the lack of sleep. The mood swings that may accompany the lack of sleep can rub off on our surroundings, thus adding to our stress.

Sleep and the respiratory system

There is a very subtle link between sleep and breathing. The proof is that when you have a cold, with a stuffy nose, you have trouble sleeping. The importance of uninterrupted sleep is crucial. You have probably heard of it before, sleep is separated into several phases. Having breathing problems, therefore, is risking waking during sleep, which prevents us ipso facto achieve restorative deep sleep.

The effects of lack of sleep on your weight
If you have already sought advice from a doctor to try to lose weight, in addition to advice about your eating habits, you are often advised to drink plenty of water and sleep well. But why? Apriori unrelated, sleep has an indirect impact on obesity. To understand all this we must first know that the hormonal imbalance is very related to obesity. Ultimately, it is important to understand that sleep has an important role in the regulation of hormones. According to a study published in the journal Endocrine Development, lack of sleep would have a direct impact on our metabolism, and thus increase the risk of obesity. In addition, lack of sleep may even encourage snacking.

Prevent insomnia, and sleep better
Sleep has a multitude of benefits. And the lack of it causes just as many disturbances. Here are some recommendations to prevent insomnia and to increase the quality of your sleep:

- Slow down. If you work 10 hours a day, go home and continue to stress, the effects on your health will be deplorable. Take a moment for yourself, relax, meditate and listen to your senses.

- Banish the screens before going to bed. The blue light emanating from our screens would have a proven effect on our sleep. When you dine with your family, you do not need TV or check your social networks. Take a book before going to bed, plan your next day, drink an infusion and, above all, relax.

- Sleep at the same time every day. Your brain is smart, and has a hormonal clock. When you get used to going to bed every day at the same time, the brain will understand your routine and help you fall asleep.

Warning: If you have an aggravated sleep disorder, it is imperative to consult a specialist to treat your condition as soon as possible.