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Acupressure: Tap These Points Of Your Hand To Treat The Pain

Acupressure: Tap These Points Of Your Hand To Treat The Pain

Used for millennia in the Middle Kingdom, acupuncture has long been a soft and alternative medicine for all types of ailments. Whether boosting energy or overcoming digestive disorders, the points identified by Chinese doctors advocate a healing touch repeated in specific body areas. Without covering you with fine needles, this discipline can be applied at home provided you control the specific points of each organ. To fight against all pain, there are areas in the palm of your hand where you can apply pressure with your fingers to revive the proper functioning of organs.

Did you know that in China, traditional doctors only billed their services to the well-to-do? They fell out of favor when their patients became ill because they owed them money. These scholars are part of a philosophy radically opposed to that of traditional medicine. And for good reason, this way of practice emphasizes the importance of preserving one's health capital without presenting any disease.

Acupressure Tap These Points Of Your Hand To Treat The Pain

Acupuncture: an ancestral discipline

In Indian Ayurvedic medicine, acupuncture has been mentioned for 5000 years as a holistic therapeutic method to fight against all kinds of ailments. This alternative discipline to medicine was introduced in the Old Continent in the 17th century by Willem Ten Rhyne, a Dutch doctor who has discovered writings related to acupuncture in Nagasaki, Japan. And these lessons have echoed in the hexagon more than elsewhere in Europe since in 1932 these methods were included in the nomenclature of medical acts reimbursed by social security. The theory ? We are characterized by the harmony between the five Chinese elements, Wood, Fire, Earth, Metal and Water. Among these pillars of the functioning of our body, there are strategic points called "meridians" which, when they are stimulated, stimulate the energies and the good functioning of the organs. Traditional physicians have about 360 meridians considered as exits from the body's energies.

What about life energy?

According to these scholars, the body has a vital energy that is based on the harmony of the Qi- vital energy - which reflects the balance between two complementary and opposing energies, Yin and Yang. Thus, we count 67 points in the meridian "bladder", 27 on the kidney and 45 on the stomach. 48 points among the 360 ​​identified by Chinese medicine are not identified in meridians. The therapeutic indications of this discipline are numerous. Chronic pain, depression, pregnancy, addictions, allergies, all disorders for which these ancestral techniques are recommended. However, acupuncture remains a complementary medicine that accompanies a real diagnosis and treatment. During pregnancy, this medicine should be used sparingly because it can cause uterine contractions.

What is acupressure?

If acupressure is freely inspired by traditional Chinese medicine where meridians are stimulated with micro-needles, this alternative therapy is derived from Western reading for the purpose of practicing it on a daily basis. This technique is intended to be a complementary treatment to sophrology to promote the state of relaxation, relaxation and relief of pain.

How to fight pain with acupressure?
Here is a technique to prevent and fight the pain of vital functions. As a reminder, the results of acupressure can be observed only if you practice these methods regularly.

-According to your pain, exert pressure with your fingers on the area concerned

- After 5 seconds, release

-Repeat this technique on the same point for 5 seconds

- After repeated pressure, the pain should dissipate

-Method for toothache, head and neck pain:

- The acupressure point is located below the wrist, at the beginning of the forearm where the tendons are located. Press this meridian for 10 seconds then release. Repeat for a few minutes.

- For mild anxious states:

- To relieve temporary anxiety, pinch the skin between thumb and forefinger. Massage this point by breathing deeply. This additional treatment should be done up to 3 times a day for a real feeling of relaxation.