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17 Foods Made In China You Should Never Eat

17 Foods Made In China You Should Never Eat

Foods Made In China You Should Never Eat

China is the world's leading exporter of food products. This country is using innovative methods and techniques to bring these products to world markets as quickly and cheaply as possible. Not surprisingly, many foods suffer the consequences. Here is a list of Chinese foods containing dangerous substances that we must avoid.

According to the World Trade Organization (WTO), in 2015, China accounted for 14% of world exports, ahead of the United States 9% and Germany 8%. In 2009, Food & Water Watch a not-for-profit association, said 70 percent of apple juice consumed in the United States comes from China. But unfortunately these imported foods do not comply with the regulations and laws relating to consumption and food.

The list of dangerous foods imported from China to avoid

1 - Apple juice
Foods Made In China You Should Never Eat

In 2011, Dr. Mehmet Oz reported that apple juice from China contained a very high amount of arsenic. Another research published by Consumer Reports magazine showed that 10% of the apple juice sampled exceeded arsenic levels equivalent to standards. The arsenic found in the products was not organic, on the contrary it was toxic and dangerous.

2 - Industrial salt

China is the largest salt manufacturer in the world. Studies have shown that this industrial salt is unfit for consumption and contains 90% of harmful substances.

3 - Cod and Tilapia

These two types of poisons are especially raised in China. They swim in their waste and swallow everything (chemicals, pesticides, waste ...)

4 - The Chicken

It is the country best known for avian flu and chicken-related diseases, yet it exports large quantities to the world and especially to the United States.

5 - The garlic

Garlic fields in China are sprayed with very dangerous chemicals and leave an unpleasant aftertaste.

6 - Mushrooms

Chlorination agents, anhydrous calcium chloride, sodium sulfite and other hazardous preservatives are used in the spraying of fungi.

7 - Green peas

The daily China Daily reported that in 2010 artificial peas manufactured in two factories in Hunan province were found.

8 - The pepper


The famous Chinese black pepper is sometimes only mud and flour that sellers try to market.

9 - Sweet Potato Noodles

Several factories in Guangdong Province produced large quantities of false noodles. They consisted of corn with industrial dyes and paraffin.

10 - The soy sauce

The World Health Organization discloses that this product is classified as a carcinogen. The soy sauce contains 4-methylimidazole (carcinogenic effect in mice and rats).

11 - The pearls of Tapioca

In 2012, researchers from the Aachen University Hospital in Germany found polychlorinated biphenyls in Tapioca pearls. These products are known to cause cancer (can cause cancer in animals), affect the immune system, nervous system and endocrine system.

12 - The tofu

This product of Chinese origin comes from curdling of soy milk. For rapid fermentation, manufacturers use iron excrements and sulphate.

13 - Ginger


A survey launched in 2013 showed that the pesticide Aldicarb, approved for use only on cotton, peanuts, roses and sweet potatoes, was also used for ginger. Farmers applied it three to six times above the recommended level.

14 - Ginseng

Pesticides classified as "extremely hazardous" by the World Health Organization have been used on ginseng in nine cities in China.

15 - Canned food


In 2014, canned peaches from China were tested. They contained twice more the quantity of lead authorized. In the same year, the US Department of Agriculture's Economic Research Service found that farms and product processors are located in close proximity to industrialized areas where soil, air and water are contaminated.

16 - Frozen spinach

In 2002, health and safety officials in Japan found high levels of pesticides in frozen spinach.

17 - Shrimps

To ensure the survival of shrimp, farmers used antibiotics and unauthorized chemicals. 30 samples of shrimp purchased in China were sent to a laboratory of the Institute for Environment and Human Health of Texas Tech University. Result: Antibiotics (Enrofloxacin, chloramphenicol and nitrofuranzone) banned in the United States and other countries for their carcinogenic effect have been used in shrimp farming.