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22 Foods you Should Never Refrigerate

22 Foods you Should Never Refrigerate

22 Foods Never Refrigerate

In order to preserve the freshness of our food as long as possible, we tend to put everything in the refrigerator. However, certain foods keep better if they are not put in charge! Here is a list of 22 foods to never refrigerate.
We all have this bad habit to store everything in the refrigerator, after a trip to the supermarket. Fruits, vegetables, condiments, dairy products ... everything goes without sorting. Error ! In fact, many foods should not be placed in the refrigerator because the cold air can alter taste and accelerate their deterioration.

Check out these 25 foods to never refrigerate:

Refrigerated, tomatoes tend to lose their flavor and become too soft. Leave them in the open air , on your kitchen table.
Just like tomatoes, apples start to lose their taste, if placed in the refrigerator. It would be best to keep them out. But if you prefer fresh, you can put them in the fridge for half an hour.
The freshness of the refrigerator accelerates the conversion of starch contained in potatoes, sugar. This helps to alter their taste and texture, they become sweeter, granular and quickly darken when cooked. Store them instead in a paper bag in a cool, dark place.
Put the honey in the refrigerator is a very bad idea. This food does not need to be cool, otherwise, it may crystallize. The ideal would be to put the honey in an airtight container and keep it in a closet.
The onions
The cold temperature and humidity can cause the onions to lose their crunchy and accelerate aging. In addition, the onion tends to spread its aroma on all foods around. If you do not want to end up with an onion tart flavor, so do not put the food in the refrigerator.
Place the onions in a dry place away from sunlight. Note also, that should not keep onions and potatoes together, as they will rot quickly.
The bread
Keep the bread in the refrigerator is a very bad idea. The latter, under the effect of cold, becomes hard and dry.
Put it instead in a dry place at room temperature for longer storage. If you have a significant amount of pain, you can put it in the freezer.
Fresh berries, do not generally keep longer. It is therefore best left to air and consume as soon as possible.
The Melon
Melons like watermelon, store better in the open air. They keep their texture and original flavor. However, if cut, place them in the refrigerator.
If restaurants keep their ketchup bottles on the tables, why do you put them in the refrigerator? Indeed, ketchup does not need cold temperature to be retained because it contains large amounts of vinegars.
The nuts are best stored in a cool place away from light. They may also be frozen.
Keep bananas in the open air, will not make them mature faster. They are preserved very well in this way. Whereas, if you put them in the refrigerator, they will blacken.
Red, green or yellow, it is advisable to keep the peppers in a dry, cool place, especially if you plan to eat them in the coming days.
Refrigerated, garlic can lose its flavor and rot quickly. Store them in a cool, dry and dark place, taking care to put them in a paper bag.
One of the most common mistakes is to put coffee in the refrigerator. In addition to losing its flavor, it can pick those from other foods.
It is therefore advisable to put the coffee in an airtight jar and place it in a cool, dry place at room temperature, for better preservation.
The salad dressings
You can keep sauces salad dressings, oil and vinegar, outside the refrigeratorPut them in a dry place at room temperature. On the other hand, the sauces that contain the mayonnaise, yoghurt or cream must be kept cool.
You do not need to put your pickles in the refrigerator to preserve. Keep them in vinegar instead.
Hot sauce
Save space in your refrigerator, and put your hot sauce in a closet. It keeps very well in this kind of place.
The herbs
It is best to keep the herbs like mint in a jar filled with water, rather than putting them in the refrigerator because they lose flavor.
Maple syrup
Just like honey, maple syrup may crystallize when stored in the refrigerator. Rather put it in an airtight jar and place it in a dry place away from light. However, make sure to consume organic maple syrup.
Dried fruits
Put your nuts in a tightly closed glass jar, which must keep away from light in a dry place. This way your nuts are properly kept and will keep them crisp.
Oranges, limes or lemons yellow, all be kept very well in the open air, somewhere dry. The cold tempperature can degrade their quality.
The cereals
Cereals are best kept in a cool dry place at room temperature. You can store them in your pantry, but not in the refrigerator.