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Abdominal Pain: A Card To Identify The Cause Of Your Pain

Abdominal Pain: A Card To Identify The Cause Of Your Pain

Many people suffer from abdominal pain every day. These are localized in specific areas to report a given health problem. Digestive disorders, ulcers, muscle spasms or kidney stones are all pathologies that can lead to abdominal pain. Nevertheless, it seems that the location of the evil can identify the cause.

Chronic pain in the belly can dramatically alter the quality of life of those who experience it. Unfortunately, some people may suffer from diffuse pain that makes it difficult to make an accurate diagnosis. However, by learning about the various organs in the abdominal area, you can find the cause of the pain.

Abdominal Pain

The location of abdominal pain may reveal its cause

Stomach pain can be due to various disorders and cause pain of varying intensity. In addition, some people suffer from functional bowel disorders, also known as colopathy or irritable bowel syndrome, whose cause remains unknown.

Certain pathologies affecting a particular organ of the intestine can make it possible to detect the cause. However, a medical consultation is essential to establish a diagnosis and result in adequate treatment.

According to experts, depending on the location of your pain, this could be the cause:

Abdominal Pain

- The umbilical zone:
If your pain is around the navel, it may be due to a pathology of the stomach or pancreatic organ.

- The epigastric zone:
If you have pain above, in the center of the stomach, this may be the result of a stomach problem, and in some cases a heart or liver disease.

- The hypogastric zone:
If your pain is between the pubis and the navel, the bowel and bladder may be the cause. In fact, the pain in the center, in the lower abdomen, characterizes an affection of these two organs. In women, this area also includes the uterus, so this organ is also likely to be involved.

- The left flank:
If you have pain in the navel, on the left, this can presage an attack of the intestine, the spleen or the kidney.

- The right flank:
If your pain is located mainly on the right side of your navel, you may have gallbladder, kidney or bowel disease.

- The left hypochondrium:
If you suffer from upper abdominal pain, left, it may suggest a bowel disease, or a pathology affecting the pancreas, stomach, kidneys, lungs or at the spleen.

- The right hypochondrium:
If it is in the upper belly but left that is your pain, it is the liver diseases that may be involved. It could also be a condition of the intestines or pancreas.

- The left iliac fossa:
If you have pain in the lower abdomen, on the left side, it is your kidneys, your colon, your urinary tract or even the ovaries and fallopian tubes that need to be examined.

- The right iliac fossa:
If your pain is located at the bottom of the abdomen, on the right side, this can characterize damage to the appendix, urinary tract or kidneys. In women, this can also suggest pathologies in the ovaries or fallopian tubes.

This list allows you to identify the potential causes of your pain, but is not a substitute for a medical consultation. And although some prefer to resort to self-medication to relieve their stomach ache, if the pain persists or increases, it is necessary to take the advice of his doctor.