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What Are The Benefits Of Fasting?

What Are The Benefits Of Fasting?

Whether it is a religious need or a therapeutic practice, fasting are being talked about more and more for its multiple benefits. Let us unravel the true from the myth. In a society of overconsumption where food abundance gives way to various irrational incentives, some people turn to fasting to optimize their well-being. 

What Are The Benefits Of Fasting

Cardiovascular diseases, diabetes, overweight or obesity are all risks linked to overconsumption of food. Knowingly, many people have decided to change their eating habits and opt for a punctual fast.

In addition, this practice has inspired many researchers. In 2016, Yoshinori Ohsumi, a professor at the Tokyo Institute of Technology, received the Nobel Prize in Physiology and Medicine for his work on autophagy. A mechanism that relies on fasting to allow the body's cells to repair themselves and maintain their functions.

Indeed, if the fast is so much talked about, it is mainly because it allows you to take a break and let your body rest. However, it is important to emphasize that fasting cannot be practiced too long, at the risk of leading to undernutrition and loss of muscle mass. Thus, Dr. Jean-Michel Cohen, nutrition specialist, recommends short fasting, in order to avoid any danger to health.

Yoshinori Ohsumi fasting

Several ways to fast:

If fasting is a widespread practice, everyone goes about it in their own way to adapt it to their routine.

1- The 24 hour fast:
This type of fasting consists of not eating for a whole day, 24 hours. Thus, the person can eat breakfast, then spend the rest of the day without eating and resume eating the next day at the same time.

2- The sequential fast:
This fast consists of not eating for 12 to 16 hours and giving yourself an 8 hour time slot where you can eat, as explained by Dr. Saldmann, cardiologist nutritionist. In practice, the person can skip breakfast and eat from noon to 8 p.m. However, she can drink water, coffee, tea and any other non-calorie drink during the fasting period to fill hunger.

3- 5: 2 Diet:
This method, which corresponds to intermittent fasting, consists of eating normally 5 days a week, and restricting your food intake to 500 calories for women and 600 for men for 2 days. Thus, the person chooses the two days of the week that suit him to practice this diet.

The benefits of fasting on the body

You will understand, fasting is a practice that adapts to the capacities, desires and benefits expected by each. Here are the benefits of fasting on the body:

1. Boost weight loss
Some people decide to fast to lose weight and regain a more harmonious figure. Dietary restriction contributes to increased energy expenditure at rest, according to a study. Indeed, during a fast, the body secretes norepinephrine, a hormone that stimulates the metabolism at rest and which reduces body fat.

2. Improves blood sugar levels
In a scientific experiment carried out on people suffering from type 2 diabetes, intermittent fasting made it possible to significantly reduce the blood sugar level. So even if more research on the subject is needed, intermittent fasting may represent a preventive approach to type 2 diabetes.

3. Reduces the risk of inflammatory diseases
When you stop eating for several hours, inflammatory markers show lower rates. Intermittent fasting reduces the risk of developing an inflammatory syndrome, while reducing the level of fat in the body.

4. Takes care of the heart
High cholesterol or high blood pressure are all factors that can cause cardiovascular disease. But a study shows that a 3-week fast under medical supervision has reduced blood pressure and cholesterol levels in obese people.

5. Improves cognitive performance
Intermittent fasting has been proven in-vivo to improve certain cognitive processes. So fasting for a few hours can be beneficial for improving brain function and boosting learning and memory mechanisms.

6. Helps to live longer
If fasting is more and more practiced in the four corners of the world, it is for all the benefits that it offers to the organism. According to scientists, the dietary restriction imposed during a fast promotes longevity. In an article by Dr Saldmann, he explains that the sequential fasting would stimulate the autophagy process, allowing at the same time to offset the excesses to which we are more and more numerous to succumb.