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What Mothers With High-Functioning Depression Want You To Know

What Mothers With High-Functioning Depression Want You To Know

Depression is not always detected and is often ignored by relatives of those who suffer, because this state is invisible to them. When lack of communication persists, depressed people tend to think that everyone is turning against them, while loved ones, despite their attempts to help, do not know how to interpret the invisible signs of depression. It can affect people of all ages, especially moms who may succumb to this increased and uncontrollable anxiety.

Moms, whether after a delivery or after a cumulative overwork for a long time, are sometimes affected by depression that encloses them in a bubble of sadness and melancholy. Thus, it is important to know how to detect the invisible signals that their gestures or behaviors transmit so that they can help and support them during this delicate period.

 High-Functioning Depression

What you need to know about mothers going through a depression:

1- They do not look depressed:
Moms may look happy with their children and loved ones, smiling and pretending to be normal to have a good time together. But once the positive feelings disappear and they find themselves alone, the depressive thoughts take over and infiltrate their minds.

2- Negative thoughts do not leave them:
Despite the advice of relatives to stay positive and not take things to heart unpleasant, moms can not remove the negative thoughts.

3- Their signs of depression are not obvious
Signs of depression may vary from one mother to another. If a mother can be locked in on herself and spend her time alone and isolated, another will be able to give herself body and soul to her favorite hobby or go to the gym to clear up ideas.

4- Their spirits are hives of activity:
Despite the fact that they no longer have responsibilities or are retired, for example, their minds are still active and constantly thinking. They are used to feeling many emotions, such as sadness or anxiety, and cogitate to dull their inner chaos.

5- Guilt is constantly present:
Despite their efforts and qualities as dedicated partners and mothers, moms feel guilty about everything that happens in their lives, even in the most uncontrollable situations.

6- They carry out their tasks despite the depression:
Depressed or exhausted mothers will always end up doing their daily tasks, their missions or their goals. With a smile that will hide their pain, they will take their children to school, they will prepare food and fulfill all their obligations.

7- They are the first to blame themselves:
They self-criticize and set very high expectations. If they are not filled, they are able to reproach themselves bitterly.

8- They are exhausted mentally and physically:
They feel tired from ruminating negative and exhausted thoughts of repeating the same daily tasks.

9- They are constantly looking for activities to fill their time:
Busy women or entrepreneurial mothers always give the impression that they are carrying out their professional activities. Yet, deep inside, they are overwhelmed by the anxiety of being caught up in negative thoughts.

How to help and support a depressed loved one?
If after reading this article, you recognize the characteristics of a depressed mother in yours, do not let alone pass this delicate period. On the contrary, you have to support her, talk, get out of your mind and tell her how much you love her and reassure her that you will always be there for her.

Also, here are some tips to support a depressed person without rushing her:
  • Offer support to accompany a psychotherapist
  • Doing activities together (cinema, walking, hiking)
  • Be attentive and attentive, communicate with empathy without judging
  • Strongly encourage when the person makes progress
  • To be patient with her
  • Let her take initiatives for exits for example
  • Suggest to do meditation or yoga
  • Show support even in absence