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Pediatricians' Advice For Healthy Babies

Pediatricians' Advice For Healthy Babies

A baby is a vulnerable and developing being. Here are 8 tips from doctors that parents rarely do for the good health of their baby. Parents, who generally only want the best for their child, do everything in their power to protect them and offer them the best conditions for growing up well. However, parents being sometimes inexperienced, it is up to health professionals to better guide them. 

Pediatricians' Advice For Healthy Babies

There are several factors that influence the healthy development of a baby. Among these we can for example count a good diet, an environment conducive to their development as well as quality sleep. Discover the 8 doctors' advice to promote your child's well-being without further delay. Here are 8 tips from doctors to take care of your baby's health.

1. Reflexology, relieving pain through the feet
Plantar reflexology is the practice of specific pressure points in the foot in order to relax. This practice is based on the theory that the foot is linked to different places in the body. In fact, a study published in the scientific journal World News Evidence-based Nursery found that applying foot massage to babies would help reduce pain. So if your baby feels any pain, do not hesitate to massage his feet to calm it down before of course consulting a doctor so that he can determine the origin of his pain.

2. Touch and stroke
A mom usually shows love for her baby by touching and caressing her. This gesture which comes naturally would have consequences which are likely to surprise you. Thus, according to an article from the University of Washington, children who received love from their mothers through gentle gestures would have a larger hippocampus. The hippocampus is a brain structure that plays a key role in learning as well as memory.

3. Massaging baby
A massage is a moment of rest and relaxation that comes to rid us of stress. According to this study published in the scientific journal Frontiers in Psychology, massage can have several positive consequences not only for the baby but also for the mother. Thus, it was observed during this study an improvement in the mother-baby relationship after the mother has massaged her child, this could in particular reduce the stress felt by the latter. This study therefore concludes on the usefulness of a baby massage and therefore recommends its regular practice.

4. Spend time on Tummy for a stronger baby
Putting a baby on his stomach would have significant positive consequences on his health. So according to the National Health Service (NHS) in the UK, letting baby spend time on his belly is important. It helps him strengthen his muscles to help him crawl. You can always start this practice very early by putting your baby on his belly and on his chest. Be very careful of course when handling it. Do this practice only when you and your child are fully awake.

5. White noise for better sleep
It is by analogy with white light which is a mixture of several colors that white noise is qualified, itself is a mixture of several sound waves. The latter tends to saturate our hearing receptors, so it would help to mask and attenuate other sounds. White noise could help baby fall asleep faster, according to this study in the scientific journal Archives of Disease in Childhood. It is therefore a solution that would be recommended for mothers to put their baby to bed.

6. A crying baby is not necessarily a hungry baby
It was in an article from Harvard University that doctor Claire McCarthy developed the following idea. According to the pediatrician, when a baby cries, we tend to think that it is because he is hungry. This can lead to overfeeding the baby and may even increase the risk of obesity. The latter may, because of this practice, begin to assimilate pain, boredom or even fatigue to food, habits which it will be difficult to get rid of when he grows up.

7. Family meals
As soon as a baby is able to sit in a high chair, it is recommended that they participate in family meals. This will not only allow him to acquire good eating habits but will also represent a moment of conviviality.

8. Soft baby music
According to this study, carried out on babies aged 12 to 24 months, playing soft music to a child could help the child to better manage his anger and to relax him.