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Replace All Drinks With Water For 30 Days And See What Happens To The Body

Replace All Drinks With Water For 30 Days And See What Happens To The Body

Health nutritionists know that water is essential for the functions of the human body. In reality, the body is composed of almost 60% of water which promotes a set of metabolic processes. Only, we evacuate daily about 2 liters of water through phenomena as simple as sweating, urine or even breathing. Therefore, health professionals encourage individuals to bet on sufficient and quality hydration.

Drinks With Water

Unfortunately, many people find it difficult to drink enough during the day. Especially since some have the impression of filling their thirst by drinking carbonated drinks rich in sugar or sweeteners. But the billions of cells that make up our body require mainly water. Indeed, thanks to hydration, they can transport oxygen to make our organs work. This lack of hydration often results in poor concentration, poor quality of the dermis and persistent headaches.

Why are carbonated drinks dangerous for health?

While some favor soft drinks as a thought that it will replace water, it turns out that they have harmful health effects if they are not consumed in moderation. Indeed, a study shows that there is a strong correlation between the consumption of carbonated drinks and the risks of diabetes and overweight. In reality, these drinks cause a rapid rise in blood sugar and disrupt the secretion of insulin by the pancreas. Scientists are also emphasizing the risks of heart disease and stroke from the consumption of carbonated drinks.

Replace your drinks with water to enjoy all these benefits

According to the recommendations of the National Nutrition Health Program, water can be consumed at will. And for good reason: this natural drink offers many benefits:

1. Water boosts metabolism
Metabolism is a process that regulates the energy intake and expenditure of the body when it is at rest and active. Thus, a slower metabolism can lead to weight gain and disturb the mood. But scientists report that water boosts metabolism and promotes fat oxidation at rest, helping to shed extra pounds.

2. Water accelerates intestinal transit
Lack of hydration can also affect the digestion process. Indeed, water helps food to circulate in the digestive system and to fight against bloating and abdominal pain. Thus, drinking 1.5 to 2 liters of water per day would stimulate intestinal transit and provide digestive comfort.

3. Water regulates body temperature
Temperature changes could be difficult to endure if the body did not have some adaptability. According to scientific experience, a water supply is necessary to ensure the thermoregulation of the organism. In fact, hydration makes it possible to sweat when it is hot to evacuate excess water and cool the body naturally.

4. Water improves physical performance
When you exercise, you sweat and you may be dehydrated. The greater the intensity of physical exertion, the more water the body loses. As a result, athletes watch their physical performance deteriorate as they sweat. As a result, researchers reveal that sufficient fluid intake is necessary to increase the productivity of athletes.

5. Water Prevents chronic diseases
Water nourishes all the cells of the organism and participates in the evacuation of metabolic waste. Thus, a study highlights the importance of hydration to avoid a number of chronic diseases. Among these are hypertension, urinary tract infections, hyperglycemia, asthma and lung diseases.

6. Water improves mood and brain function
Water circulates oxygen to nourish all the cellular tissues of the human body. Also, our nervous system and the brain in particular is made up of 80% water to perform its cognitive functions. As a result, a study finds that people who do not drink enough water may experience mood, memory and cognitive impairment.

7. Water prevents recurrence of kidney stones
Very painful, kidney stones cause an accumulation of small stones in the urinary system. However, it has been proven that adequate fluid intake combined with a reduction in the consumption of foods rich in oxalate and calcium limits the risk of recurrence of the disease.