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These 8 Healthy Foods Could Hurt You If They Are Eaten Incorrectly

These 8 Healthy Foods Could Hurt You If They Are Eaten Incorrectly

Food choices are closely correlated with an individual's health. But these 8 healthy foods can hurt you if they are eaten incorrectly. For a healthy body and mind, it is necessary to choose quality foods. Indeed, what we ingest daily has an impact on all the cells of our organism and influences our well-being. Becoming aware of the importance of the content of your plate must therefore allow everyone to preserve their health capital and improve their longevity. And to do this, it is essential to ensure that you consume certain foods.

Healthy Foods Could Hurt You If They Are Eaten Incorrectly

In recent years, many people have worried about the nutritional value of what they eat daily. As WHO explains, poor nutrition increases the risk of developing diabetes, obesity, and heart and vascular disease. The promotion of healthy eating has become the workhorse of many health institutions. Nevertheless, there are certain foods that are beneficial for the human body but which can have the opposite effect if they are consumed improperly. Let's go through them.

Red meat

1. Red meat
As ANSES reminds us, animal proteins are full of amino acids that help renew muscle tissue, nails, hair, skin and bones. In addition, proteins participate in physiological processes necessary for the proper functioning of the organism. However, cooking red meat at very high temperatures can alter its components and make it toxic, explains nutritionist Florence Foucault to the newspaper Le Point. Thus, she recommends favoring cooking over low heat and creating a barrier between the flames and the meat.


2. Potatoes
Potatoes are rich in starch and an excellent source of complex carbohydrates. But when stored in unsuitable conditions, they can turn green. Caroline Wright, a horticulturalist and a teacher at Nottingham Trent University, says that eating large quantities of potatoes that have developed this unattractive color can lead to poisoning, causing abdominal pain, diarrhea, nausea and vomiting.


3. Cashews
Cashews are rich in magnesium and copper, important minerals for the human body. But the consumption of these oilseeds from the cashew tree must be treated with caution. In fact, in their raw state, cashews contain urushiol, a poison that can prove fatal if consumed in large quantities.

Bitter almonds

4. Bitter almonds
Generally speaking, almonds are a healthy snack packed with vegetable protein, fiber and antioxidants. But bitter almonds from the wild almond tree can be dangerous, even deadly if you eat too much. This is due to their content of hydrocyanic acid, a toxic component which can lead to severe illnesses.


5. spinach
Spinach is known for its health benefits. Rich in vitamin K, vitamin B9, and provitamins A, they also provide a small amount of vitamin E, in addition to their content of vitamins C and B6. However, it is often advised not to overeat because of their oxalate content, which is difficult for some people to eliminate, which can lead to kidney stones.

Brazil nuts

6. Brazil nuts
Rich in selenium, vitamin E, fiber and minerals, Brazil nuts offer many benefits to the body. However, selenium, which is a trace element with antioxidant properties, can prove harmful when ingested in large quantities, researchers say. Eating too many Brazil nuts can cause gastrointestinal upset, fatigue, nausea and vomiting.


7. The crustaceans
Crustaceans contain vitamins A, D, omega 3, phosphorus and selenium. However, sometimes crustaceans contain parasites or bacteria that can enter the body and cause disease. According to a study, it is essential to be vigilant when consuming these foods, in particular by verifying their origin, by cooking and storing them adequately.

White rice

8. White rice
Often considered as a dietary accompaniment, rice is favored by athletes because of its contribution in complex carbohydrates. That said, a study finds that a high consumption of white rice can lead to type 2 diabetes and promote weight gain. Moderation is therefore required for this food.