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5 Physical Exercises To Do At Home During Lockdown

5 Physical Exercises To Do At Home During Lockdown

To lose weight, build muscle or keep fit, there is nothing better than sport. Here are 5 physical exercises to do at home during lockdown. In this exceptional period caused by the pandemic which affects the whole world, many people are confined to their homes and suffer a real neglect. Stuck between four walls, they tend to fool boredom by snacking all day long. Combine that with the lack of exercise, and the pounds pile up on the scales. And if you decided to focus on your well-being by performing 5 simple and effective physical exercises daily?

Physical Exercises To Do At Home During Lockdown

Since the start of the health crisis, some have suffered from an anxiety-provoking climate that persists over time and affects their quality of life. The flow of information related to the covid-19 promotes stress and depression. To make matters worse, the feeling of being deprived of one's freedom by confining oneself for several weeks can give rise to unpleasant emotions. But what if instead of drowning in anxiety, you decided to set up activities that would benefit your body? To keep fit and morale during this period, set aside a few minutes for some physical exercises.

Exercise: Significant Health Benefits
We keep praising the benefits of regular sport, both physically and psychologically. As the World Health Organization explains, physical exercise helps improve muscles, stamina, heart rate and breath. It also helps you take care of the bones and reduces the risk of fractures and falls. Physical exercise also helps reduce the risk of suffering from several diseases such as hypertension, stroke, coronary heart disease, diabetes and even depression.

According to a scientific study, sport can extend a person's lifespan by reducing the risk of suffering from health problems. In addition, by exercising, the brain releases endorphins, which are known to be "wellness hormones". Scientists explain that endorphins help improve mood, make them more resistant to pain as well as combat stress.

5 Exercises To Do At Home During Lockdown

For sedentary people, you can practice these exercises for 20 minutes to improve your form. For those who are used to playing sports, you can allow yourself up to 40 minutes of physical exertion.

Physical Exercises To Do At Home During Lockdown

1. Walking on site
This exercise constitutes a warm-up to be carried out during the confinement period. It allows the heart to work gradually while waking up the joints. Just move your legs, as if you were walking, but stay put for 3 minutes. You can also do stretching exercises targeting the neck, shoulders and back for gentle muscle recovery.

Physical Exercises To Do At Home During Lockdown

2. The Burpee
The burpee is a complete exercise that combines both muscular and cardiovascular effort. To achieve this, start by standing in a standing position. Then, bend your legs to put yourself in the “squat” position and then tilt your legs back to find yourself on the ground in the “plank” position. Then bring your feet back to your hands and then jump to return to the original position. Do 5 repetitions if you are a beginner but if you are at an advanced level, you can do up to 15.

Physical Exercises To Do At Home During Lockdown

3. Jump: knee elevation
To have shapely legs, it is necessary to make them work. This simple exercise allows you to warm up your muscles and improve your heart rate. Jump by bringing one knee, then the other towards your chest. Perform at least 40 jumps.

Physical Exercises To Do At Home During Lockdown

4. Plank with knee flexion
The plank is an exercise often used by those who wish to have a flat stomach and well-shaped abdominal muscles. For this variant, put yourself in the classic plank position then contract your abs and bring your right knee towards your chest. Feel the work of the belly for a few seconds then return to the initial position. Do the same movement with your left leg. You can perform 30 repetitions alternating each side.

5 Physical Exercises To Do At Home During Confinement

5. Half bridge
The half-bridge is an exercise that helps tone the gluteal muscles and the hamstring muscle. In addition, this position promotes breathing and strengthens the lumbar area. Start by lying on your back, hands extended to the ground and take a deep breath. Then exhale while raising your buttocks to lift your back from the ground. Be sure to keep your back straight and contract your gluteal and abdominal muscles while performing this movement.