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Remove Warts, Blackheads And Age Spots Naturally

Remove Warts, Blackheads And Age Spots Naturally

To get rid of  warts, blackheads or age spots, lemon, ginger or pineapple are formidable allies. The proof in 8 natural tips. Warts, blackheads or age spots, so many skin manifestations that can damage self-confidence and well-being. To remedy this, Mother Nature has provided us with a range of natural ingredients. By learning about their virtues, you will be able to fight against these everyday imperfections.

Remove Warts, Blackheads And Age Spots Naturally

Due to genetic factors, hormonal problems, an unbalanced diet or an unhealthy lifestyle, skin blemishes can be difficult to combat. Zoom on 8 natural remedies to overcome it.

To remove warts

1. Fig tree milk
According to Nina Roos, dermatologist, fig milk is a common grandmother's trick to fight against warts. This acts “like a pickling acid” due to the sap of the fruit which is a very irritating substance. A study published by The International Journal of Dermatology confirms that the effectiveness of fig milk against warts is due to some of its enzymes.

For this tip, it is recommended to extract the juice from the fig leaves by cutting them in half, then apply it on the warts. For optimal effectiveness, it is recommended to repeat this operation on waking and in the evening, before going to bed.

2. Celandine
Celandine is a weed, also known as wart herb. Characterized by a yellow flower and swallow-like leaves, it grows mainly in the wild. According to the Allodocteurs site, its action is due to its content of coptisine, an alkaloid with antimitotic properties which will oppose the cell proliferation of the papillomavirus responsible for warts.

To use celandine, split its stem and apply the juice collected on the wart. Because of its fairly pronounced odor, it may be useful to cover it with a plaster. Note that the celandine juice is corrosive and should therefore only be applied to the growth.

3. Dandelion juice
In external use, the dandelion would be recommended to fight against many cutaneous imperfections. This includes warts but also dermatosis, certain skin diseases or corns on the feet.

For optimal effectiveness, cut the dandelion stem in half and apply the resulting juice to the wart. Cover it with a bandage and repeat this operation twice a day until the wart disappears.

To reduce age spots

1. Lemon
Recognized for its lightening and exfoliating properties, lemon is a great ally to fight hyperpigmentation of the skin, which can appear due to excessive exposure to the sun. Thanks to its vitamin C and its citric acid content, the citrus juice reduces the appearance of dark spots for clearer skin without blemishes.

To benefit from this, soak a cotton pad in lemon juice and then apply it on your spots. Leave on for 10 minutes then rinse with clear water. It is best to use this trick in the evening to avoid the photosensitizing effect of lemon.

2. Ginger
Renowned for its anti-aging action in Ayurvedic medicine, ginger is rich in antioxidants. According to natural care experts, these promote collagen production and limit skin imperfections by reducing the appearance of dark spots. Benefits confirmed by a scientific article which identifies ginger as a formidable lightening agent in the context of Ayurvedic treatments.

For optimal action, it is recommended to cut a ginger root and rub it 2 to 3 times a day on the affected areas. This ritual will be followed for approximately 6 weeks for conclusive results.

3. Pineapple
According to scientists, pineapple is a great ally to limit hyperpigmentation of the skin. According to their conclusions, its effectiveness is based on phenolic and sulfur compounds responsible for the anti-browning action of tropical fruit.

To benefit, apply the pineapple juice on your face and leave on for a few minutes. Then rinse off with clean water and make sure to apply a moisturizing mask to your skin.

To get rid of blackheads

1. Tomato
Thanks to its disinfecting properties, the tomato can get rid of unsightly blackheads which tend to lodge on your skin.

Before using, clean your face and remove any makeup residue. Then cut the tomato into rings and place it on your skin. Leave it on for about fifteen minutes then rinse off with lukewarm water.

2. Lemon and yogurt
By combining the citric acid of citrus with the regulatory properties of yogurt, you will be able to limit the excess sebumresponsible for blackheads while tightening your pores.

To adopt this trick, mix half a tablespoon of lemon juice with two tablespoons of yogurt, then apply this mask on the T-zone of your face. Let sit for about 15 minutes, then rinse with warm water.

Caution :
Before using natural remedies, it is essential to consult a dermatologist to make sure that these skin imperfections do not hide any underlying pathology.