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You Should Start Putting A Soap In The Rooms Of Your House

You Should Start Putting A Soap In The Rooms Of Your House

Discover all the tips to know to make better use of your soaps at home and take advantage of their many benefits. If conventional bars of soap are increasingly neglected in favor of liquid soap for its ease of use, their usefulness remains very effective for many everyday concerns, so it is recommended to keep it close at hand. Because soap can prove to be effective for your garden, your footboard, your sleep, the smell of your interior, your glasses and also to counter insect bites! How? 'Or' What ? Discover all the tips and advice to know to make the best use of your soaps.

Putting A Soap In The Rooms Of Your House

REM sleep disorder
If you are sore when you sleep or suffer from restless leg syndrome, soap may be a good alternative for you. Simply position it between the mattress and the bottom sheet of the bed to reduce tingling sensations and relieve muscle cramps, thereby promoting better quality of sleep. Most of this is possible because the soap is made up of potash, which fills the lack of intracellular potassium that causes night cramps.

Make sure you use real Marseille soap for optimal results, as it contains potassium chloride allowing a better cellular balance between calcium / magnesium / potassium in the body. When the soap is used, do not hesitate to cut it in half to refresh it or replace it with a new one.

Insect bites

Insect bites
Itching and other irritations caused by insect bites are no picnic. An effective way to relieve their intensity is to use moistened Marseille soap by gently rubbing the affected part of the skin. Then make circular gestures so as to cover the entire area and observe the relief that operates thanks to the antiseptic properties contained in the soap particles. These elements allow a good disinfection of the abrasions due to the bite and the scratching and allocate a better healing of the skin. It is a quick, economical and effective remedy to replace sprays available on the market.


Another simple tip to rid your cupboards, shelves or rooms of the house of dust and foul smells: place a bar of perfumed soap and wrapped in paper cloth in the places where you want to have good smells and enhance the scent. It's guaranteed to pleasantly surprise your nostrils every time you open the drawers. For more fantasy, you can alternate between different fragrances according to your desires: lemon, lavender, jasmine ...

In the garden

In the garden
If your garden and your plants deteriorate due to the invasion of herbivores which damage and gnaw them, soap can be of great help to repel them. To do this, cut soap into small pieces to scatter on flowers, plants, clovers and even fruits and vegetables to keep these small pests at bay. This will serve as a powerful repellent because its odor is inconvenient and scares away all unwelcome visitors and will preserve the quality of your garden and your vegetable patch.

For this, opt for Marseille soap 100% vegetable, composed of olive oil, soda, a little water and salt. This treatment is effective against many insects (aphids, mealybugs, whiteflies, leafhoppers, red spiders, psyllids) because it clogs their respiratory pores and prevents their adhesion to the leaves.

Clean glasses

Clean glasses
Wearing glasses poses the daily constraint of their good cleaning for optimal visibility. While this task can be tedious in the long run, there is a quick way to get it done easily. It is enough to rub (preferably with a soft fabric made of microfibers) a little dry soap in the interior part of the glasses and you will manage to remove the stuck dirt. The trick is also effective in preventing fogging that forms on bathroom mirrors after a shower.


To unzip
A recalcitrant window handle to open or a jammed zipper can easily be adjusted by using soap. Indeed, the latter, thanks to its lubricating power, makes it possible to unlock many annoying everyday situations. Just rub dry soap on the parts to be loosened (squeaky door hinges, jacket zip ...) and voila! The soap, thanks to its fatty particles, lubricates the jammed areas to gently unscrew them.

Soften shoes

Soften shoes
If buying new shoes is a pleasure, wearing them for the first time can be painful for the feet and in some cases cause blisters. To avoid this, it is recommended that you rub dry soap on the inside of your shoes and allow them to sit overnight. This will soften them well and reduce the risk of unpleasant friction, which will cause discomfort.